mymichele's Diaryland Diary


the legend of BB, God gave Rock and Roll to me, and other such mysteries of life

I am sitting here in almost complete darkness because the light bulb went out in my lamp three days ago and I still haven't bought another one. The only time I tried to look for another one was when I went to Texaco to buy some bottled water. Apparently they don't sell light bulbs at Texaco! Ahhh, I love being a college student.

So I think my job is good for my self esteem. The semester is almost over and I haven't had any of those "god I'm so depressed and fat and ugly and worthless" days for quite a while. I think it's a good thing that I'm using my writing skills on a daily basis. I don't even look at my articles in the paper anymore. I'm like.. ooh, there's me again. It's still exciting and I'm getting so much experience, though. But I'm kinda bitter that my editor is not only making me do this friggin fashion show tomorrow night, but I also have concert duty on Saturday night and then I have this other thing on Sunday. Grrr. I want to bitch and moan about it, but I know he'll turn it around on me and make me look the lazy, irresponsible one. I love it when he does that.

Today was confusing. Crazy friend called me today at work and pretended to be someone else, and I was like, "Huh?!" She really had me going there for a while, and once I figured out it was her I was actually pretty pissed off. And confused! That kinda threw me off for the rest of the day for some reason. But we got together tonight and watched the Wedding Singer and ate carmel popcorn, and then everything was okay.

I don't understand why I don't make an effort to hang out with my friends more often. They make me so happy, and I only see them like once or twice a month. That's bad! Not good, bad! And just sitting there and eating popcorn and watching movies is fun! I have friends, they like me, they appreciate me, they let me put them in the paper without them knowing it at the time (heh heh), and that is a good thing. I like my friends, yes I do.

Something kinda nice happened today, too. Something that makes me smile when I think about it, like a big dork. I was leaving work, and this big red truck is sitting there, and I'm like, "That looks like BB's truck!" And yeah, it was. I was so happy because he hardly ever comes up to school, and when he does we usually miss each other. Anyway, we went to 7-11 and he bought me some bottled water and then I had to go to class. It was just nice.

I want to go off on a tangent here now and say why I find my boyfriend to be so fascinating. Because he is a fascinating guy, you know.

First of all, the guy is almost 24 (in May) and he's a virgin. Hello? Anyway. And second, he's adopted, and I am always fascinated by that. In the 4 1/2 years I've known him, he's mentioned his adopted dad like.. twice and the fact that he's adopted.. never. His mom talks about it almost every time I see her, but he never brings it up. He's not curious at all to meet his real parents. I'm more curious than he is, I think. I want to know more about his family, but he really doesn't care.

And he's soooo smart. He has a 4.0 right now, and he's had that for like 3 years now. WHY! WHY IS HE SO SMART, DAMNIT! That makes me even more curious about meeting his real parents. As legend has it, his mom was 13 when she had him and his dad was a football player or something. I think that was embellished a little to sound more dramatic, but I do think she was young. But apparently they were huge and they were smart.

I know this is boring to everyone else, but bah on you! HEHEE!

And he just keeps going further and further. Me, I'll admit it. I'm spoiled. My dad pays my bills and I grew up in a semi-wealthy environment and all that. He did not. He was living in the trailer he had grown up in when I first met him, driving a piece of shit car without a job. Now he has a pretty decent house he's sharing with a friend, he has a KICK ASS truck, and lots of different jobs that pay pretty well. And he has aspirations for so much more. And I love that, and so much more about him.

And you know what? He loves me. He doesn't care about the fact that I'm a wierdo and I've gained 40 pounds since we've first started dating and that I have no social skills. He wants me to push harder, and achieve more than I think I can. And he rocks.

So yay to my BB.

That was dorky, I know. But bah!

This has nothing to do with anything, but me and this chick at work rocked out together over "God Gave Rock & Roll To You" by Kiss and it was awesome. Yay Kiss!

I have an early class tomorrow so I'm going to put my crackwhorish ass to sleep now.

12:19 a.m. - April 11, 2002


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