mymichele's Diaryland Diary


A really long survey, pictures of Axl, and my radio debut.

Hi party people. Let me give you advice: When in the middle of writing a long ass entry, don't unplug your laptop. And if you do it once, be smart and don't do it twice. Take it from me.. this is a BAD thing. Yes, indeed.


So, here's some pop culture observations for you, the faithful reader:

1. Kenny Chesney - the ugliest man in country music? Quite possibly.

2. The show "That was Then" - Genius.

3. The band Stone Sour, and the song "Bothered" - Never heard of them until this week. I love it. Am addicted to it.

4. The song Original Sin by Elton John - I heard it on the radio today, and I was happy. I love that song so much it hurts.

5. I was also listening to the radio last night and "Sweet Child" came on, and after the song the chick DJ comes on and says, "Guns n Roses will be here Dec. 21st. Hell yes." I was excited because I haven't heard anything about the tour on the radio yet. Yeeyuh Dec. 21st!

6. I hate Wheel of Fortune. I'm being forced to watch it and I just want to claw my eyes out. My mom hates it too.. I think it's a genetic thing.

7. I am now watching Waiting to Exhale. I know this movie is targeted towards the sistahs, but I really like it! It's good stuff.


Speaking of the radio, I'm going to soon be making my radio debut. That's right, biznitches, I'm gonna be on the friggin radio on Thursday!

What it is - My favorite station, an AM sports talk radio station, just fired the guys who were on from 7-11. Now, from 8-10, they're bringing listeners in to kinda have their own show. I was interested in this, so I emailed the dude and my exact words were "I don't know crap about sports, but if you want to talk about Guns N Roses, I'm your woman!" Apparently the dude liked this, because he called me and I'm gonna be on my favorite radio station on friggin Thursday. I am way too excited about this, people.


So today I worked out with much passion. Yesterday I ate wayyyy too much and I wanted to work it off, so I did 10 minutes on the bike and 40 minutes (2 miles) on the treadmill. That may not sound impressive, but for me it was hardcore. I was sweating like a banshee, if banshees were to sweat! Yeeyuh. I'm gonna be one in shape bitch at some point in my life, oh yes.


So BB and I have something new to talk about: our boyfriends and girlfriends. Yes, indeed. For example, I didn't get to go to the football game on Thursday, so I'll be like, "So, did your other girlfriend have fun at the football game on Thursday?" It's joking around about a not very funny situation, but we seem to be amused by it. My boyfriend is 17 and a rock star. Tonight he's in Austin opening for Hoobastank. His girlfriend is 25, a more experienced woman. I think it's funny. It gives us something to talk about, anyway.


What was MyMichele doing a year ago?

"I mean.. come on. I know I mentioned this somewhere before.. but they have flying ducks! And little triangular monsters! And Luigi, how can I forget Luigi? It always disturbs me that when I'm Fireman Mario, and get hit by a duck or something, I return to just being little Mario instead of bigger Mario. And wow.. there's a whole level that's GRAY! And.. the Hammer Brothers! Who try their little turtle hardest to not let you pass, with their flying hammers and mean demeanor. How can you not be addicted?"


Okayyy.. so it's another day where I'm going to assault you with Axl pictures! Aren't you excited?

Good god almighty, Axl! Get out of your sister's closet! Geez louise.


You thought I was finished, didn't you? Well, you'd be wrong.

I stole this survey.


1.Full Name: Liz yomama.

2.Birthday: October 12th, 1979

3.Age: 22, a week from today I will be 23.

4.Zodiac Sign: Libra

5.Where you live: Texas


6. If you died tomorrow who would you leave everything you own to?

My puppy dog.

7.If you had to go live in borneo for the rest of your life and you could take one person on this earth,who would you take?

Well, I'd say Axl, but two things about that - I'd be depriving the music world with such an inspiration God of Rock, and also I don't really know him.. what if he's the biggest prick on the planet and now I'm stuck with him? So I'd say my mom. My mom would have fun in Borneo, I'm sure.

8.Who is the one person that you could stand spending a straight 24 hours with and not get the slightest bit annoyed with?

Dorkus Boy is pretty damn fun to hang out with. But I think BB and I could accomplish this. We've spent way longer than that together.

9.If you woke up one morning and noticed that your leg was missing who would be the first person you would call?

Uhh, probably 911!

10.Let's say your dad came in your room one day and told you that you had to get married in the next week but you can pick the person but you have to stay with them for the rest of your life no getting out of it, who would you pick?

That would be BB, of course. I'm not sure what he'd have to say about that, but thats okay.

11. What if you woke up tomorrow and you were someone else completely, who would you be?

I won't say something lame like "Axl Rose's girlfriend!" So I'd say Samuel L. Jackson, because he's one bad motherfucker, you know.


12.What would be the first thing you would do if you woke up one morning and you were the opposite sex?

Scream, probably.

13.If all of a sudden you had the ability to do one thing better than everyone else, have one amazing talent, what would it be?

I've thought about it, and I'd have to say.. play guitar. How awesome would that be?

14.If you could change one thing about yourself, what would you change(personality and looks)?

Personality: I'm the laziest person. I'm lazier than all of you, seriously! Not one person who reads this is lazier than I am.

Body: My stomach just won't get smaller. Maybe it's all the pizza?

15.What is your dream career? Author, and or ROCK STAR, BITCH!

16.What is the one thing you just have to do before you die?

Be on the radio, see Guns N Roses in concert again, live to hear the new album at some point in my life, and go to LA. And hopefully rid BB of his virginity. I have no pride.

17.If you could be a member of any band that has ever exsisted, what band would that be?

Hmmm. I read an article about the Donnas today and they seem pretty awesome, and they have a big fan base. Also, the Rolling Stones. Because they rock and are probably all billionaires.

18.What is the thing you care about most in your life?

My mom, BB, my puppy man, and Guns N fuckin Roses.


19.winter or summer? Winter. Come on, I'm from Texas.. it's not exactly luxurious here in the summer.

20.the beach or the mountains?

I love mountains.. I really and truly do.

21.pop or punk?

I'm just not a punk kind of girl. Gimme pop.

22.rock or rap?

Rock and roll, biznitches! york or L.A.?

I am completely fascinated by LA. Like.. lots of celebrities live there! That stimulates me sexually and I want to go there soon. We might on our December road trip, if everything goes well.

24.milk chocolate or dark chocolate?

Milk, please.

25.dogs or cats?

Cats are evil. I love my doggies.

26.britney or christina?

I can dig Britney. Christina is to ho-ish for my tastes.

27.leno or letterman?

JAY LENO IS NOT FUNNY! AT ALL! NOT ONE BIT! Gimme Letterman, all the friggin way.

28.mtv or vh1?

I like VH1 but MTV is where they had the VMA's, which of course was successful comeback of one Mr. W. Axl Rose. or classical?

I like country, but I can also respect classical music since I was in orchestra. If I had to pick, I'd say country. or night?

Night! Duh.

31.lake or ocean?

Oceans are pretty.

32.waffles or pancakes?

Oh no! This is a hard question! I love both, but I'd have to say waffles, just because I was raised on them. or football?

Football. Just cuz. or swimming?


35.chocolate or vanilla?

Chocolate, although the vanilla ice cream BB and I shared today was some of the best shit I've ever tasted in my friggin life.

36.sugar or spice?

Spice, baby. No no, Not Baby Spice! Spice, baby!

37.grisham or canyon vista?

Uhhh.. yeah.

38.eminem-please stand up or please shut up?

Stand up! I love Eminem! I'm sorry, I'm on the dark side!


39.If you could be in any movie as the lead role what movie would it be?

Rock Star. I would have loved to be Mark Wahlburg in that movie.

40.If you could design your perfect mate what would he/she look like and be like?

He'd look like Axl Rose did in Rio, and ummm he'd be like.. someone nice. Or hell, just friggin give me BB. He's cute, and I love him. Awww.

41.If you won the lottery what would you do with your, let's say, 18 million dollars?

Pay off my bills, give some to my mom, follow GN'R around on their whole entire tour, buy BB a new house, and you know.. just be a rock and roll chick!

42.What is the single most embarressing thing that has ever happened to you?

I'm sure if you dig around in here, you can find it quite easily. I'm too lazy to actually answer this question!


43.fallen in front of someone you thought to be quite good looking?

Probably.. I do shit like that all the time. into a wall?

Yes, I'm not the most coordinated person in the world, I'm afraid.

45.sleep walked?

No, but I sleep talk, sleep cry and sometimes sleep masturbate.

46.gone skinny-dipping?

Yeah, swimming turns me on.. what can I do?

47.kissed someone of the same sex?

Yes, yes I have. It's quite pleasant, really.

48.snuck out of the house at night?

I've never done that, no. My mom was pretty cool like that.

49.gotten in a car wreck where you are the driver?

Hah.. when haven't I?!

50.laughed so hard that what you were drinking spewed out your nose?

Yeah, I've done that. People amuse me sometimes.

51.started laughing really hard so you just spit out what you had in your mouth cause you couldn't swallow?

Umm no, I don't thinks so.

52.swallow a bug?

No, but I killed a roach with Raid yesterday in the kitchen.

53. have you ever actually kept a new year's resolution? if so what was it?

Yeah, when I was 13 my resolution was to get a life. Amazingly enough, I did! It was a strange life, but I did indeed have one.

54.say a few things about the person who sent this too you.

Nobody sent it to me, I inflicted it upon myself!

6:03 p.m. - October 05, 2002


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