mymichele's Diaryland Diary


Unsuccesful Louisiana trip, fried egg sandwiches, and scummy friends of boyfriends

Lordy, I've gotten the strangest Google hits in the past 24 hours. Let me share some with you, kind readers:

1. "Life as a House" orgasm

2. Bagel dolls

3. long nails

4. Mayonaisse on my penis

5. Hello, my name is Simon, and I like to do drawrings

6. hand jobs mississippi

My goodness!

So, the trip to Shreveport kinda sucked. Nothing was horrible about it or anything, but there are two factors that made this trip unpleasant

1. The constant presence of FGG.

2. That whole losing money thing.

There was one point when I was doing okay at Blackjack, but yeah. Then I lost. $80, to be exact. As someone who is somewhat addicted to gambling, this drove me a little crazy. The feeling I get when I'm doing to my last $5 and I have a 19 and the dealer gets a 20.. it makes me feel like I'm falling down a bottomless pit. Okay, maybe not quite so dramatic, but it's not a pleasant feeling and it's not a good feeling to have. Gambling is a dangerous thing for me, can you begin to see that at this point?

And FGG wasn't always there.. but his presence was. I mean, come on. We were at this nice hotel (The Horseshoe in Shreveport) with a nice queen sized bed and well, I've mentioned before how we get when we're in the nestling bosom of a hotel room. But we couldn't do much because we never knew when FGG would get back. Such a dilemma we had, right?

And I just don't like him. He's just.. scummy. He and BB vowed to do this diet because FGG is like 475 pounds or something, and last night he just goes out to the Steak and Rib buffet at the hotel. Not that I didn't want to go and stuff myself with some steak, and no doubt BB would have been all over that pre-diet days, but he's made a commitment (he might as well be making a committment to something.. ooohh)and to see his friend breaking that committment is not a good thing.

I could go on and on about the guy but I'll just shut up now.

And, the trip just sucked. I am not happy about our Shreveport adventures. To make it a little worse, BB just seems to get more hardcore about his diet. I am all for this diet thing, and I'm losing weight too, my jeans that were once really tight are noticably looser, but his hardcoreness really kinda bothered me yesterday. We stopped at Subway and he got 2 footlong subs, and I got 2 deli style sandwiches. He didn't eat his until like 10:00 last night, and I ate mine as soon as we got there, around 4:30. So I'm hungry and he's not and it's just a bad situation because there's no little restaurants where I could go get a bagel or something.

So today, when we got home, I might have overdosed on the food a little. If you can call 2 fried egg sandwiches, a waffle, and a french bread pizza overdosing, which I can. Well! I was hungry. Hopefully, that's all I'll eat today.

Speaking of eating, I started a new diet diary which I will start updating regularly starting tomorrow. It should be fun stuff, indeed.

BB just called something a cluster fuck, and despite myself, that makes me a bit nostalgic. When I was crushing hardcore on Angel Boy when I was 15, he used to describe everything as a cluster fuck. Awww, boys and their cluster fucks.

*Sigh* You know that feeling you get when it's 4:02 in the afternoon on Tuesday and you don't have a damn thing to do until Thursday and you just spent your last dollars at a stupid casino just so you could further enhance your gambling addiction? I hate that feeling. A lot.

I'm going to find something to do now. Like, run in the street or something.

3:43 p.m. - May 21, 2002


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