mymichele's Diaryland Diary


Another pointless entry cuz I just don't care! And another picture of Axl. And some Bon Jovi.

It is SO BEAUTIFUL outside right now! NO SUN! YAYYYY! I don't like sun, and it's all rainy and dark and purtyful. That puts me in a really good mood. I could be having a shitty day and if it's raining, it just makes it all better. *contented sigh*


There really isn't much of a point to this entry, just so you know.


Since it is September and about to be October, and since I always get sick in October for some reason, I'm going to start taking a whole lot of pills in addition to the pills I'm already taking. Here is a list for you!

- Glucophage, for my PCOS. (I hafta take two of these babies)

- Birth Control Pills, for my PCOS.

- Pills for my Hypothyroid (I'm a hyper hypo!)

- Vitamin C, so as not to get sick.

- Multi vitamin, just to be healthy like that.

- Vitamin B12, to help with my metabolism.

That means I am going to have to take 7 pills a day. I am excited.

And yes, I do realize that is boring. And I don't care. At all.


Okay, so exciting Axl things are kinda happening. I went to Borders last night and did my magazine thing, and I was reading US and it had this picture of him from the VMAs and then a picture from 1993, and then a quote from a doctor that said he thought Axl had botox in his forehead or something. Oh hey Mr. Dr. Man? WHO CARES?! So he's an aging rock star with a vanity problem. Aren't we all just aging rock stars with vanity problems? Yes we are, my friend. Yes we are.

And then on their little weekly quotes page, they had one from Axl that said something like, "If you're waiting for the new album, don't. Wait for Jesus, I hear the payoff is better." Or something like that. The quote isn't important, it's just the fact that they're quoting him at all! Hello! I'm so proud.. you guys just watch, in a couple of months, he will be ALL OVER THE PLACE! It's going to be quite exciting.

Speaking of all over the place, I watched this Bon Jovi thing last night on VH1. I admire that band. They have most (all?) of the original members, they all look like they joke around and get along, they've managed to have huge successes and they can do pretty much whatever the hell they want and they'll still be respected. *sigh* Why does Axl have to be so hermit-like and strange? WHY CAN'T HE BE MORE LIKE JON BON JOVI?!

*gasp* I'm sorry. That was uncalled for.


Last night, my school won a game! Isn't that exciting? We were all impressed last week that they only lost 27-0 against Texas, the #1 team in the country. I just thought I'd share that.

I've had Subway for lunch 5 days in a row. I will most likely have it again today! It's just good stuff people, good stuff! Yummy.


Last night, I deprived myself of anything Guns N Roses/Axl Rose related so I wouldn't have crazy ass dreams, but that didn't stop the dreams. They came, and it was annoying, and I'm tired of it.

Now I'm listening to Madagascar from Leeds, and it's just really beautiful. *sigh* I am way too big of a dork.


What was MyMichele doing a year ago?

"I saw Rock Star tonight. Oh.My.God. Mark Wahlberg with long hair is just a really nice thing. I've always been a fan of his. Yes, really. For my 12th birthday, my best friend gave me a Marky Mary and the Funky Bunch tape. For a joke. But I listened to it constantly, and I loved it. But anyway. This was a really good movie, and I just want me some Marky Mark. What can I say? I like guys with long hair."


9:53 a.m. - September 08, 2002


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