mymichele's Diaryland Diary


It smells like chicken in here.

Dear Google Perverts,

PLEASE, I BEG of you, PLEASE stop coming to my page looking for "Christina Aguilera's nipple ring." Yes, I know that she recently discussed that in Rolling Stone, and yes, I know I'm like #4 in the search for this subject, but I DON'T HAVE ANY PICTURES OF HER NIPPLES! Is that so hard to understand? Thank you.


Is there ever a person on your AOL Buddy List that you look at and think, "You know, I always have to IM that person first. I wonder how long it would take them to IM me instead." And you wait until they IM you to talk? Even though you like.. have things to say to them? And then all these days go by and you're like, "wow, that's sad!"

Yeah, that's sadly me and BB right now. You're not supposed to be that way with your boyfriend, but I suppose it's to be expected with the way things are going in our relationship as of late. I've taken on a rather apathetic approach, really. Well, I don't know if it's apathetic or just kinda healthy. I was telling my cousin this weekend that I was looking forward to going to Austin because it's the best thing that could happen to us right now. We can see how we function without having the other always be hovering around in the background. Right now it's kinda like, "Well, it's the weekend, you might as well come over because that's what you always do anyway.." I mean, neither of us have actually said that, but that's really how it is. It's easy to form a pattern when you've been together for so long, and crappola.

Blah, I don't know. If he doesn't talk to me by tomorrow, I'm gonna say something. It makes me feel quite pathetic that he's not even bothering to ask me about my day or anything. Stupid boys.


Okay, I have a question, people.

Is there any other way to find out my word count without using Word? Some dude in the Nanowrimo forums said he found out that Word was including characters and words, which didn't give him an accurate word count.

That made me all paranoid, because I have a pretty impressive word count at 10,072, and I just don't want to find out that I really only have 4,000 or something.

But if I do have 10,072, I am all impressed with myself. This isn't even hard yet, and I'm not worried or stressed out at all. I'm enjoying myself, damnit! Except for the brief period last night when Diaryland was all wonky and it looked like I had lost my whole layout, there hasn't been any problems or anything. This is fun. Good times, people, good times.


I hate Mondays.


My puppy was so sweet to me this weekend. When I first got there on Saturday afternoon, he must have spent about 10 minutes going crazy about my arrival. He was quite happy to see his mommy, and I was quite happy to see my baby.

He didn't sleep with me in my big bed of love, but that's okay. His owner is officially my dad, and he had to go protect his owner while he slept. I get it. I don't like it, because he's my little boy and everything, but I get it. It's all good, yo.


There's supposed to be some big time GN'R happenings tomorrow. I don't know.. we keep hearing shit like that and it hasn't happened, but now there's a bigger chance than ever because the tour is starting on Thursday.

Way too exciting, I know.

I'll keep you posted, of course.


My head hurts. I'm gonna go take a nap or something.


What was MyMichele doing a year ago? (Woohoo, one year anniversary of the BL!)

"I spent the night at my dad's last night. My brother and I went to dinner with my dad's new girlfriend. Not the Playboy Bunny or the one who owns the hotel we went to in Reno, but a lovely British woman who is 23 years younger than him and has a two year old son. I really like her, even though it's obvious that she's just looking for a father figure. She told us all about the three different fathers she's had. Anyway, it was a nice dinner with good conversations, and crappy, indifferent service at the way too nice restaurant we went to. But anyway."


"This is real. I'm not making it up. I fear crickets. They are the spider's best friend, as far as I'm concerned. Once I let the cricket in, the spiders will come, and one day I'll wake up and find that I've turned into a giant cockroach. That is a day that I will fear."

1:58 p.m. - November 04, 2002


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