mymichele's Diaryland Diary


It's raining men! Halleluah, it's raining men!

Hey biznitches.

Yeah, I know I was being all paranoid about the word count thing. Thanks to all the people who tried to inform me that I was just being crazy. Cuz I was.

I think the thing is that I've never written such a long story before. Last night I wrote 3,500 more words, and that's like double the suggested daily amount. I can't stop writing! It's really a lot more fun than I anticipated it to be.

Would it be too much trouble to ask you to read a little of it? Like, a chapter or two? I think it's a good story, but I could use some opinions on it! I know most of you are busy writing your own story, and with life in general really, but I could use the feedback. I'll be your best best friend! Yeeyuh.


My suitemate is listening to The Price is Right as loud as she possibly can turn her TV up, it seems. Thank god I have like a month left in this place.

*sigh of relief*


Don't forget to vote today! I'm thinking I'm gonna do a straight democratic ticket today. I voted for Ralph Nader in the last election. Fat lot of good that did me and the rest of the country, eh? Good times, good times.


My brother is thinking about getting a black lab to entertain his golden retriever. He said he'd only do that if I really come to Austin, which is my plan, of course.

Austin seems to be really pet friendly, which excites me. I fully intend on taking his dogs to the doggy park and picking up guys with cute dogs. If that's not the best way to meet eligble guys, I just don't know what is.

Speaking of boys, I broke down and IMed BB last night. But since he was busy watching wrestling and all, it wasn't a very exciting conversation. I don't even know if I'm going to see him this weekend, and what sucks about that is that I have to ask him, "Are we gonna hang out or what?" And then I have to base my whole weekend around what I do with him.

I mean, I don't have to do that, I could just say, "Hey, I'm gonna do so and so on Friday, and then perhaps we could hang out on Saturday or something," and that would seem like it would be easy, but with him, shit like that is never easy.

I swear, next time there will be no Taurases. Friggin control freaks, I swear! *mumbles to self*


So last night I had all kinds of Guns N Roses dreams. The night before, I dreamed I was making out with Madonna. Rawk. That was kind of a cool dream, except just when I was about to get some, I said something just plain dumb, and then she wouldn't make out with me anymore! Come back Madonna! I'll be better, I swear!


This is not bullshit people. Seriously.

News Herald 26/10/02:

LOS ANGELES -Spokesperson for Larry Flynt Publications has not denied the

last rumors about the hiring of former rock star, Axl Rose, to play in their

next big adults-only production. "We are in negotiations with him through is

agent at this time" LFP public-relations director Kenneth Micklos said of

the issue. "Our readership demographic is more and more heterosexual and

female, with a strong interest in looking at beautiful and famous men" he

said. The movie is planned to be shot in February 2003.

Hehhehehe... ummmm... *blush*


What was Mymichele doing a year ago?

"10 things I won't forget:

10. The day I looked in the mirror when my doctor told me I had become a beautiful woman and actually thought to myself, "Wow, I really am!" That was the last time I actually thought that.

9. Feeding my puppy with a baby dropper, trying to get him to eat baby food, trying to make him drink water, doing anything I could to make him better. He had parvo, and the only thing that saved him was taking him to the vet, but I tried my damndest to do it myself.

8. Winning tickets to the Guns N Roses/Metallica/Faith No More concert when I was 12, but having to sell them to my next door neighbor because my mom thought I was too young to go.

7. Being in Las Vegas for New Years Eve, and then finding out later that Guns N Roses had a concert in Las Vegas for New Years Eve, 3 days later. That still pisses me off.

6. A few of the concerts I've been to have simply been outstanding. Bette Midler made me laugh and cry. Tom Petty was just awesome. And you all know about my obsession with the Elton John concert I recently attended.

5. Seeing Angel boy at the mall in May, 1995.

4. Upon meeting one of my friends for the first time, she said to me and Ali-Kat, "Hi, my name is ________ and I bring death and destruction everywhere I go!"

3. My mom taking care of my grandmother full time when she got alzheimers. And it wasn't even her mom, it was my dad's. I will always respect that about her.

2. Meeting BB at said friend in #4's house. I hated him and I ran away crying the first time I met him.

1. The generosity of my mom and dad."

11:14 a.m. - November 05, 2002


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