mymichele's Diaryland Diary


Cosmo, pizza, and self esteem

Do we like the sorta new look? I finally figured out that *gasp* I can change the background color myself. I will hopefully have a new look, and not the dreaded template that everyone hates, sometime soon.

Today I was at Brothers Pizza, and I felt like everyone there was staring at me and laughing or something. They all looked at me like I had grown an extra horn on my head or like I had spinach in my teeth. I mean, I could have probably brushed my hair more and made an effort to look nicer or something, but there wasn't anything that made me like I stood out. I guess this is just my low self esteem talking. But it was really annoying! I don't dig being judged before people even talk to me.

I just saw that Aalyiah died in plane crash this morning. I'm not a big fan or anything, but she's a talented young woman, and that just sucks. It's not good times.

I'm at my dad's, as per usual for the weekend.

When I first took my dog, Charlie (who's birthday is September 1st! He'll be my big ol 2 year old man!)to my dad's farm, it was because my boyfriend's roommate was moving to California and was just going to give him to the pound or something. I had grown quite attached to the little ball of fur, so even though I didn't know if I could find a place for him, I told him I'd take him.

I wanted him, but I lived in an apartment that didn't accept dogs, and I was about to move into a dorm. Eventually, he ended up at my dad's farm in East Texas, and slowly but surely, ended up living with my dad in his house in Dallas. I thought for sure that I'd get him back someday when I moved into a house and could take care of him, but now I'm not so sure. The way he crawled on my dad's chair and sat on top of him and licked his ear and went to sleep, I'm pretty sure they're going to be buddies for life. But that's okay. He'll always be my baby whether he wants to or not :)

A few hours ago, BB called (forgive me if I sound like Stevie Wonder here, but it can't be avoided) just to tell me he loved me. I love it when he does that. It makes me feel all squishy inside.

We met 4 years ago on Labor Day. I know you're looking forward to Labor Day, because I'll tell you me and BB's whole story! FUN TIMES!

School starts Monday, and I'm really looking forward to this year. I have actual friends onto which I can build a foundation of making more friends. More friends are always a good thing. More friends would mean I wouldn't be sitting at my day's house on a Saturday night eating Digiornio, watching SportsCenter and Bachelor Party, and hanging out with my dog. Not that those are really bad things.

High school football scrimmage today. Wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, but I was reading Cosmo, which was actually worse than watching the game. I couldn't believe some of the stories they had in this piece of shit. Like, one guy knew that his girlfriend was cheating on him with lots of other guys, and he was a tattoo artist so he convinced her to let him tattoo her name on her back. When she looked at it in the mirror, it said "SLUT" instead of "ANNA." I was horrified. What kind of fucking asshole does that? Then he said she "probably had to pay tons of money to get it lasered off"... if that chick had any brains she'd sue his ass off!

There was other stories in that stupid magazine, but none you'll probably want to hear. I will never buy that piece of crap again, I swear.

No really, I won't.

Anyway. My mind just shut off and won't let me write anymore. Thank you, and have a nice day.

12:16 a.m. - August 26, 2001


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