mymichele's Diaryland Diary


Damn alarm clock and creepy chicks

Well, I started the day out wonderfully. I woke up at 9:00 and realized if I wanted to catch the campus bus to my class, which is all the way across campus from my dorm, then I had to be ready by 9:08, when it comes. Thank you, alarm, for not going off.

Seeing that I didn't want to miss the class again (I haven't been since the first day!), I put jeans on and ran my ass outside to get the damn bus. I kinda brushed my hair. Didn't have time to brush my teeth. Didn't even have a bra on. I apologize to those I road the bus with and who I sat by in class. I must have been a little stankriffic.

To make it even better, I got on the wrong bus going back to my dorm. I got on, and then it stopped at some apartments and every single person got off. I'm like.. uh oh. So I'm the only person left. As luck would have it, the very nice bus driver dropped me off at my dorm on her way back. Thank you, nice bus driver.

To the creepy chick who has stared at me for the past year at my dorm every time I go by: please stop that! You always smoke and look at me like I'm offending you by walking by. You live in a dorm too, sister, you're not any better than me.

I then had a very pleasurable conversation with a dorky guy while we were waiting in line to pay for housing. He assumed that I didn't know anything about sports and then when I showed him otherwise, thought I was pretty nifty. Thank you, thank you. College is so wacky, isn't it?

So, tonight, like 450 billion people, I was watching the MTV Video Music Awards. Here are some observations:

1. Britney Spears - yes, she's hot. WOW, is she hot. But come on.. a song called "I'm a slave 4 u".. what is she? A harem girl? That is just not good.

2.U2 rules, although I didn't understand why the Ramones were there if all they did was just stand there and say hi.

3. What the hell is up with Lil Kim's fake hair? That was so wierd and unnecessary looking. At least no one fondled her boob this year.

4. I was so happy to see Micheal Jackson. I don't know why, but that really got me excited, especially when they showed Janet Jackson clapping for him. That was just awesome.

5. Well, something was missing. Yes, I have to ask.. where was Axl? Why couldn't he have made an appearance just to say something like "Hi, the new album will be out soon, and I love Elizabeth." That's all he needed to say. I would have been happy.

So now I'm at BB's house. I made tacos and well.. that's about it. A little bit of boredom going on up in here tonight. I don't think tommorow is going to be any better, with the football game and crap. But that's okay.

I was walking out of my one class today (yes, I skipped abnormal psychology.. I don't usually skip so many classes during the week but usually I allow myself to be a complete loser one week and then get my shit together the next), I saw some stuff about the Feminist group on campus, the feminist majority or something like that. I decided I'm going to go to their meeting on Monday and check it out. I don't really know much about feminism and I hardly think I'm the poster child for it, but I think it would be fun. Last year I tried going to church, this year I'll try being a feminist. Oh, the things I can be in college! I've always craved girl friends in college that I could go out and have some greasy mexican food and a Margarita with. My nice christian friends look at me like I just stuck my finger up my ass when I order Margaritas with them. Anyway, this may be good times.

No interesting google hits to report, just the usual "Japanese school girl" and "my first orgasm."

I've really done nothing good on my quest to read only classic books. I've bought several of them, including The Bell Jar, Dracula, the Illiad and the Oddesy, and I ordered Catcher in the Rye from, but I haven't read them. I don't know. What's wrong with Jennifer Crusie and Stephen King? They write good stuff, damnit!

There was a poster sale at school and I wanted to get "Kiss at the hotel Deville," which I've seen in lots of movies (like Singles, for one) and I'm just captivated by. But hark, I did not.

This is the most interesting entry ever, I know.

Good night.

11:02 p.m. - September 06, 2001


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