mymichele's Diaryland Diary


Illustrated man list and another stolen survey, plus your mom!

I really don't have much of an update here, because I've been doing absolutly nothing but reviweing diaries all day and sitting on my ass. And I'm enjoying every second of it.

It's kinda funny, because on Friday BB was all concerned that I would have a place to go during the three weeks I had off from school besides his house. Maybe he thought he'd get tired of me being here or something, but I've been here since Friday and we're not tired of each other yet. He brutally beat me at miniature golf today, he got 5 A's this semester yet again while I got 3 C's (oh yeah.. don't even get me started on that), and he set a new record with that basketball game you play at the arcade. He's an amazing guy.

Anyway, I stole this next thing from this person, who I reviewed today because I'm reviewing things again.


1.AXL ROSE (Ummm.. duh?)

2. STEVE NASH! He's just a fantastic basketball player for the Mavericks and I'd love to have wild sweaty sex with him right after a game. Oooh yeah.

3. SEBASTIAN BACH! I remember when I had this magazine cover when I was 12. It stirred up emotions in me that no 12 year old should have, let me tell ya.

4. MARK WAHLBERG IN ROCK STAR But he doesn't really do anything for me when he doesn't have long hair. And if Jennifer wants to join, I'll let her.

5. BRAD PITT! From the following movies: Legends of the Fall, Ocean's 11, Interview with the Vampire, Fight Club, and Thelma and Louise.

6. RIVER PHOENIX! Preferably when he was alive, and preferably without Samantha Mathis. But I loved him in The Thing Called Love, where this picture is from. He had long hair. *Drool*

7. MARK CUBAN! WHO?! He's the owner of the Dallas Mavericks. He gives his money to charity when he gets one of his many fines, and he turned a team that no one gave a damn about and turned them into a playoff making, kick ass team. And he's a billionaire. That never hurts, I gotta tell ya.

8. LIV TYLER!She's hot. Look at those lips! And yeah.. her dad is the coolest guy on the planet and she's cool and umm.. yur mom.

9. TOM HANKS! I've loved him since I was 8 years old. He's just a good guy, I think.

10. BB! I can't leave him off the list, now can I? I would both like to marry him and have hot wild monkey sex with him. In that order, apparently. Here are some pictures for your edification:

There he is, looking all cute and pumping gas!

Here he is, looking all cute at the Liberty Bell!

And my personal favorite (not really), here he is sporting a big giant mullet back in the day:

Awww yeah. Gotta love the mullet.

Honorable mention: Russell Crowe, Gordon Keith, Jordan Catalano, Steve Issacs (former MTV VJ that I was wholly in love with), George Cloony, Howard Stern.

Now, here is a survey I stole from her again. Giggle!

Date: 5/15/02

Time: 2:57 AM. (BB brings out the night owl in me.)

Smells: I don't really smell anything right now! How boring.

Drinking: Vodka Tonic! Not really.

Eating: Here's where I brag: Since I've been at BB's for so long, his diet plans are rubbing off on me. I haven't had anything from a drive through in almost 5 days. I haven't had Dr. Pepper in that long, either. I think I'm losing weight, I'm pretty sure I am, but I have to weigh myself to be sure.

Wearing: Boxers and a t-shirt. BB is wearing long pajamas and just looking as cute as he can be.

Hair: Long, highlighted, one of my favorite things about my appearance.

Makeup: None.

Music: BB's random list of MP3's. So, lots of country and classic rock.

Movie: I watched American Pie 2 on DVD this morning. It was gigglerific.

Tomorrow: I will be doing lots of stuff.

Work: I'm doing a project for my stepdad. He wrote a screen play that is unfortanatly about kids who stop terrorists from taking over the White House. For some reason, I don't think this will go over too well these days.

Wishes: That Old Friend would call me back and make some solid plans, that we would get done with this project for my step-dad tomorrow, that BB proposes to me on our 5 year anniverary because I just think that would be really appropriate, and I just learned today that there's a high school football game that night, too, so maybe he can propose to me at half-time. Come on! A girl can dream, can't she?

Best friend: BB and Charlie.

Soul mate: Axl Rose. He just doesn't know it yet.

Siblings: My brother, who is pondering moving to New York and who just messaged me and said he might have just met the new love of his life. So dramatic.

Location: Currently Plano, TX

Quote: We had good times and bad times, but we had times.

Whats the story behind your diaryland username: Guns N Roses song. Misspelled, but what can you do. "Your daddy works in porno, now that momma's not around!"

Name 5 of your favorite pig out foods: Pizza, Recees Pieces, McDonalds, Peanut Butter Kudos, Any kind of bread-like substance.

Have you ever had a makeover: Not a hardcore one. I want one like Molly Ringwald gave Ally Sheedy.

Ever been out of the country: Yes, indeed I have.

One thing you're grateful for: The next 3 weeks of no school and no work.

Favorite highschool memory: The night my friend Jenny and I went to a high school football game together. BB was there, but we didn't really like him much (this was a few days after I met him for the first time, but he didn't really figure into this night. Funny when you think about it.), we were there to meet his friend, who stared at my boobs all night and even admitted to doing that. Unfortunately, that guy died a few years later. He was BB's best friend. That was some bad times.

Anyway, Jenny and I enjoyed a little football fun and then Dorkus Boy met us in the parking lot after the game with his friend Even Dorkier Boy. I guess he was trying to be all romantic and mysterious because he drove all of us out to this big field and played romantic songs on his car stereo. It was really dorky, but also it was something I remember fondly. My dad didn't remember the fact that I sat on top of my car fondly, because I dented it forever and rendered it almost impossible to sell. Gotta love those Jettas.

Describe your dream wedding: Ha! I already did that my friends!

Would you ever join temptation island: No. I would not. BB might, though. He's deviant like that.

The school picture you buried in your bottom drawer: The picture of my ex boyfriend. It's not really hidden, but I've pretty much torn up most of them that are around. He's icky. He is a bad person.

Name one tv character you'd most want to be: ANGELA CHASE! Well, I was her. So, I don't really know.

Give yourself a pornstar name: Sulky Nickels

What do you plan to do this summer: Go to school.. yay.

Would you ever join real world: I kinda want to, but not really. I don't think I'm hot/psycho enough.

Your typical sleepwear: Boxers and a t-shirt.

How much money do you have in your wallet right now: None in my wallet, $10 in my pocket.

What is your favorite pair of shoes: All of my Docs. But my favorite all time pair of shoes were my Screws. You can read about such things here. I also really liked my black velvet Converses.

How was your senior prom: I didn't attend my senior prom. I just didn't see the point.. everyone else were going away to college and it was their last chance to shed their virginity before they left and never saw their boyfriends again.. I had no chance of shedding my boyfriend's virginity, I wasn't going away to college, and I had a much better time playing movie trivia and eating all you can eat Fajitas at the Wild Turkey.

What is your daily before-going-to-bed ritual: Umm sit on my ass on Diaryland, of course.

What mood are you usually in: Semi-happy, goofy, shy.

How long have you have a diaryland: Almost a year, actually. June of last year.

So that's the end of that.

BB and I watched The Practice on Tivo tonight. OH MY GOD! Lindsey just shot that guy! That was SO COOL! I can't wait for Sunday, that will surely be some compelling drama.

It's 3:22 AM, probably a good time to go to bed, don't you think?

3:05 a.m. - May 15, 2002


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