mymichele's Diaryland Diary


A year ago I was back from Reno, and also.. I'm sick.

Blah... I'm getting sick. My ears are itching and I'm sneezing and it's just not good times. I kinda volunteered to help with the homecoming float thingamajig, but I think I should just take some Claritin and go to bed.

I'm excited and sad about life in general right now. On one hand, I'm leaving BB and I'm going on my own personal journey, and that's sad. On the other, it's my own personal journey! I get to go to Austin, the city I've loved for so long! My mom just talked to my dad about it and he said it was a good idea, so yeah. Here I come.

Nanowrimo starts on Friday. Since it appears that I have absolutly nothing to do on Friday except go to school from 9-11, I'm going to do some serious writing that day. I don't know about you, but I'm excited! Woohoo, 200 pages of a novel, bring it on!

That's about all I have to say at this time. I'm gonna go sneeze and take a nap. I'm gonna post my whole entry from last year because it talks about our adventures in Reno and I miss our adventures in Reno. But first, here's some Axl pictures.


What was MyMichele doing a year ago?

Good morning, Diaryland. It's a beautiful day here in Dallas, but I'd rather be back in Reno. I'd rather be sleeping in the king sized bed with BB and eating free food and winning money in the casino. But all good things must come to an end, right?

Do you ever get tired of having to get up everyday and do stuff? Don't you just sometimes want to go back to bed for a week and then maybe return to your busy, bustling life? Me too.

Anyway. Here's a review of the last couple of days that I haven't talked to you:

Wednesday night, I went to BB's friend's house and we watched Dawson's Creek. I couldn't believe they killed off Dawson's dad! That's just so wrong.. such a cheap ploy to get to my emotions.. I was very sad about that. Then, I went home, and right before I went to sleep, it suddenly occured to me that my driver's license had expired on my birthday. It occured to me that the airport may have a problem with that, and more importantly, I may not be able to gamble! Gasp! So I got up early on Thursday morning and renewed it. It was $24!

On Thursday, BB and I and some other random people went to a haunted house run by some friends of ours. We got in free and got spooked and all that good stuff. We went home and just kinda farted around, took a nap for a few hours and then got up to get the shuttle to the airport. For $40, the shuttle came to BB's house, which is a good 30-45 minutes from the airport, and that was a nice convienience.

We went through security at the airport, which wasn't a big deal. They wanded us and searched us and groped us, and some people got singled out for a random search, but there wasn't anything a whole lot different other than that. The plane ride was fine, everything was fine.

Once in Reno, we rented a car at Enterprise, a little Mitsubishi Mirage. BB said, "Well, we can't take it out of state, do you want to go to California?" So we drove to Truckee, about 30 minutes north of Reno, and then turned around and went back to the hotel, where we slept and ate and all that kinda stuff. We had dinner with my dad's ex girlfriend, the owner (well, her family owns it) of the hotel. Good lord, she likes to talk. We covered everything from her 12 year old daughter having a boyfriend, my brother's overwhelming gayness ("Your dad knows, he just doesn't want to hear about it!") to her relationship with my dad. It was quite intriuging, let me tell ya.

So then Saturday comes along, and it's the big Elton John day. We gamble a bit, lost some money, and then get ready to go to the concert. I go to the lobby and get our tickets, and we get VIP thingies that look like backstage passes, but unfortunately are not. BB's pass had his first name and my last name on it. I giggled about that.

So, we take the bus to the concert. We have decent seats. We sit around for an hour, and then here we go! It's Elton John, in his sparkly suit! He sits at his piano and just plays some absolutly incredible music. There's just not many words I can use to describe how fantasically wonderful this concert was. So many good songs! I heard a new one, called "Original Sin" which I have now downloaded and listened to about 1400 times since I got home last night. The guy just has so many hits and it's just so unbelievable how great his performance was. Even BB thought it was an awesome concert and we never really enjoy the same things. (Think that may be a problem someday?)

You'll have to excuse me.. after I go to any concert, I'm a little obsessed with the person afterwards for a little while.

Anyway. We went back to the hotel and watched Sportscenter and went to bed.

Sunday was a good day. We have gone on a few trips to casinos, and most of the time, we don't come back with anything but an empty wallet. This time was different. Together, we won about $260, and I won $200 dollars of that! Some of it was on Blackjack, but most of it came from playing Wheel of Fortune. It's a big wheel with numbers on it, like $1, $5, $10, $20, and $40. You bet on what number you think it's going to land on, and you win that much money. Well, I went out on a line and put $5 on the 10 dollar thingie, and there it goes, landing on the 10 dollar thingie! I won $50 from that, and I practically orgasmed. I also got the $40 dollar thingie 3 or 4 times. Oooh, I am so addicted to gambling, I wanna go back right now and win more money! Bah!

Yes, I have a potential gambling problem. That's why I don't bring alot of money, and why I don't do it often, and why BB has to practically drag me away from the tables sometimes. But I won money! $200! It's good times, people!

BB spent the whole day betting on and watching football. He won a few of his bets, and we were just happy at the end of our gambling day, because we actually had money.

Later that night, we drove around Lake Tahoe. I didn't see much of it, because it was dark and I was already driving slow enough to drive Mrs. Daisy. I've never driven on mountains before, people! It's a little scary, let me tell ya.

Then we went back and errmm.. tested the hottub. Sadly, that didn't really do anything for me. I would have rather been gambling and winning more money, actually. I'm not really sure what that says about me but I'm pretty sure it's not good!

On Monday, it was time to go home. We had a little issue with the hotel. They charged us for food, and I was under the impression we'd get the food for free. So they had to call the management and all this, and it hasn't yet been resolved. That's not good times.

The Reno airport had armed guards by the security checkpoint. They searched BB's backpack and made him take a sip of his bottled water. That was about it. I then lost $5 on a slot machine. (Yes, they have slot machines in the airport for addicts like me!) And then we came home. :( Being home is no fun.

Bye bye, Reno. Hello reality!

2:16 p.m. - October 30, 2002


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