mymichele's Diaryland Diary


Inane conversations

Annoying person who is trying desperetly to small talk with me: "So, ready for school to start?"

Me: "Yep, sure am."

Annoying person: "Really? You don't want a few more weeks of summer?

Me: "Well, this is my last semester. I'm graduating in December, so I'm really ready to get it over with."

Annoying person: "Oh! That's great!"

I had that same exact conversation with 47 people in the past week. The next time someone asks me I'm going to claw their eyes out.

Anyway. Yes, I start school tomorrow. Right now I'm doing the wuss thing and spending the night at my mom's. I don't know if I have a roommate yet and I just didn't want to go home tonight to a person that I had never met in my whole life.

Thank god I won't have to deal with that anymore. Even if I do have a random roommate somewhere down the road, at least I'll know when that person is moving in. And at least I won't be sharing a room with them.

I'm not worried or nervous about tomorrow. I've been through it way too many times. Also, I'm really excited about seeing Editor Guy in my journalism classes because I want to tease him about Weezer opening for Guns N Roses. I'm sure that'll drive him nice and crazy.

Today, The BL's son (quick explanation so you don't have to take a glance at the cast page: The BL stands for the British Lady, who is my dad's girlfriend. She has a 3 year old son. He is 20 years younger than me, and it's entirely possible that I will have him as a stepbrother at some point in my life. The BL is 11 years older than me, 7 years older than my brother and 25 years younger than my dad. Good times, yes. Wow, that wasn't quick at all.) was having his 3rd birthday party, and the BL went all out. She got a "bouncy tent" or whatever that's called, and a clown, and all that stuff. The clown was actually pretty nifty.. she had a bunny that was oh so cute.

The BL's stepsister and her husband were visiting from London, and they were both really cute and nice and happy people. The guy was playing "football" and trying to make a basket (which was like 3 ft. tall) only using his foot. For some reason, I was able to do that on my first try! I may have a career as a "football" woman in London! Woop!

It also rained quite a bit, and I enjoyed that way too much. I am a rainy girl, yes I am.

I have so much to do tomorrow, and I really should get started on my resume, because I really need to find an internship at some point this semester. Last semester I waited too long, and that would be bad now.

Stay tuned tomorrow for my live first day report.. I know you're all very excited.


What was MyMichele doing a year ago?

"Anyway, there's a part in that movie (Dogma)that stuck with me the first time I saw it and made me think even more this time. It's when the angels are in that meeting with the corporate people and they shoot everyone but the chick who's pure at heart. How does someone become pure at heart? Where is the line that you cross between being good and being bad? I know this sounds petty and stupid and ignorant, but I try to be good. I'm nice to people, I let cars get in front of me on the highway, I tip well, I give money to charity, but somehow I think that's not good enough."


"High school football scrimmage today. Wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, but I was reading Cosmo, which was actually worse than watching the game. I couldn't believe some of the stories they had in this piece of shit. Like, one guy knew that his girlfriend was cheating on him with lots of other guys, and he was a tattoo artist so he convinced her to let him tattoo her name on her back. When she looked at it in the mirror, it said "SLUT" instead of "ANNA." I was horrified. What kind of fucking asshole does that? Then he said she "probably had to pay tons of money to get it lasered off"... if that chick had any brains she'd sue his ass off!

There was other stories in that stupid magazine, but none you'll probably want to hear. I will never buy that piece of crap again, I swear.

No really, I won't."

(Okay, so I did. But only once! And it was so I could have something to read while I got my hair highlighted. One out of twelve isn't so bad, okay?!)

8:40 p.m. - August 25, 2002


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