mymichele's Diaryland Diary


Light and fluffy fair, BB's eating habits, and irony

Hi there.


You know, I usually learn something new about BB on road trips. A few years ago, on a trip to Austin, we were watching Real TV and he confessed to me that he sometimes fantasized about leading the police on a car chase. That was.. interesting. A little troubling, but interesting. This time, I learned that he once had a fierce passion for oldies music, and in fact, when the radio was on the oldies station he knew the words to many songs. That shocked me. The things that you learn after being together almost 5 years, I tell ya!


So last night, I was hanging out and watching You've Got Mail (yes, I know I've said it a lot, but come on.. once he figures out who Meg Ryan is, Tom Hanks plays with her mind and sets her up, and that's just not right, and if I was her, I'd smack him. That's right, right in the damn head! Anyway.)when someone knocked on my door. It was just some chick trying to see if I had a left a bowl somewhere (something like that, I dunno) and then she was like, "You're in my Internation Relations class, right? I sit behind you! Lalala!" And she said she thought the class was going to be really hard because she's only 18 and this was her first college class and it's a senior level class but wow, she's making A's! That's just sad because I'm a damn senior and I got a D on the first test. Anyway, when I got to class today she was like, "Hi Elizabeth!" It was nice for antisocial me to have someone being nice to me, and such. And she seems like she really gets what college is about.. going around to random people's rooms and talking to them about stuff and getting good grades.. I shoulda done that at the beginning. But I digress.


If you'd like to see some road trip pictures from the weekend, you can do so here. They are big, so if you have dial up, you might not wish to pursue this. While you're there, go here.


So you know what I had for lunch today? That's right, I had Subway. After having it 5 or 6 times this weekend, I had it again. Really I went to Subway today to get cookies because I didn't want to get a cookie in front of BB because the whole I'm supposed to be on a diet thing. And wow, good cookies, right from the oven.


Speaking of diets, a few of you asked how it was possible for him to lose 70 pounds in 2 months. Well, it's simple really. He's a big guy, you see. And when you stop eating over 3000 or 4000 calories a day and just start eating about 1000, you lose about a pound a day. When you stop eating Ultimate Cheeseburgers and the nachos at Taco Cabana and start eating Omelettes with Egg Beaters and lots of Subway, things will happen like that. And he still has a lot to lose. I like em big, you see.


And speaking of Subway, I almost caused like 13 accidents on the way there and back, a whole 2 miles of me just retardedly driving. I don't know what my problem is today. Maybe I should have paid attention in Driver's Ed all those years ago.


Kat solved my castle mystery and that makes me happy indeed! Also, Phoebe rules, and not just cuz she linked to me today.


Welcome to my nightmare: You will live in Apartment. You will drive a green Rav 4. You will marry Tom Green and have 2 kids. You will be a Dentist in Las Vegas.

Go Get Mashed. (Thanks Sara!)


I got reviewed. I don't usually bitch about these things, because I do it and I hate when people bitch about it because if they didn't read the rules and they haven't read the past reviews, then they shouldn't get mad about it, ya know? But this one kinda sucked. She only read 2 or 3 entries, first of all, and then she said that basically my diary is for people who want fluff and not substance. So, if you have any intelligence at all, you might want to stop reading because I might hurt your brain cells.


I would just like to let you know of my Google hits as of late. They are a bit disturbing. What's more disturbing is what my page ranks in these searches.

1. I hate being fat (#32)

2. Axl Rose's house (#1!)

3. Erotic Ben Affleck Stories (#11)

4. Dawson's Creek Couples

5. Dido shoplifting

6. Cleavage baby (#19)

7. 101 Random facts (#3! That is amazing to me for some reason.)

8. Guns N Roses Groupie (#3! Yeeyuh.)

9. Sims Erotic Stories (#4)

10. Axl Rose Diaryland (#2,5,9,13,14,15,16,20,22,25,29,30,31,32,39,44,46.. yes indeed, all of those are either me talking about him or reviews of me talking about him.. exciting, eh?)

11. Axl Rose Groupie (#8,10)

12. Guns N Roses Buckethead (#9)

13. Ben Affleck Barefoot pictures.. #1! Woohoo, I made it! I rule!

14. Strip Truth or Dare (#3!)

15. Sweaty sex

16. Opie and Anthony Orgasm Call (#11)

17. Dido erotic stories (#5)

18. Louisiana Gambling (#11)

I know, this is mostly all for my weird amusement, but it just makes me giggle, ya know!


What was MyMichele doing a year ago?

"Picture it: December 31st, 2000. I was in Vegas for the first time, at the Luxor. I was only there for New Years, and then we traveled on to San Diego. It was at a casino there that I learned Guns N Roses played at Mandalay Bay in Vegas on New Years. I was devastated. It was another opportunity to see my passion, my love, and I didn't even know they were there. Sigh. Will I ever get to see them? Will I ever get to see my adolescent obsession, Axl Rose, up close? Will I stand in a throng of thousands of fans and pretend Axl is singing just to me? I do not know."

Irony is fun, isn't it?

8:00 p.m. - July 01, 2002


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