mymichele's Diaryland Diary


My dad the encourager, Kansas City here I come, and a survey.

Allow me to obsess for a bit here:

My dad just called me and tore me a new asshole about the whole spending too much on the credit card thing. I took it like a man, I knew it was coming.

I love how he reduces me to some big fat loser, literally, in the space of 5 minutes. He first said I was 100 pounds overweight and if I wanted to make it in the newspaper world, I had to get my shit together. Uh, hello? If I lost 100 pounds, I'd be a very strange looking 80 pound 22 year old. He rescinded that and said I was 50 pounds overweight. Oh, well, that's much better. Thanks, daddy.

And then he said while I'm out there stuffing my face with pizza, he's talking to different newspapers to try and get me a job. He's like that. He'll try to find us a job and then when we have that job and piss him off, he'll throw it back in our face and say "You only have that job because I had to beg them for it!" Guh.

Okay, so he's not always evil, but this particular Saturday morning was an evil one.

Anyway, then he said that he was talking to someone at the Ft Worth Star Telegram and that that person can apparently get me into some program where I'd internship in 6 different cities for a month at a time.

I've been obsessing over this since I talked to him about it, and while it does sound kinda exciting, I don't think that would be good at this point. It would probably be good for my career as a journalist, sure, but I'd be away from my puppies and my mommy and yes, BB, for 6 months. Knowing BB, he'd probably be married with a kid on the way by the time I got back. He loves me, yes he does, but he's just not really a patient person. And I don't blame him.

This is like when I was obsessed with getting an internship in Austin for a few months. He just didn't like that. Didn't want me to do that. I have a firm belief that this relationship couldn't make it with 6 months apart. And that sucks, but it's not that bad, because I just don't want to do that. It appeals to me, but not really. Bah. I didn't want to meet BB! I didn't want a boyfriend when I was in my senior year of high school! Geez louise.

And oh lordy! I found out more about this internship on the website. Check it out! St. Paul, MN? Kansas City? Belleville, IL? I thought it would be more exciting than that! Imagine how exciting life is in Kansas City. Woo. Okay, I'll shut up now.


Here's a survey that I stole.

1. 10 bands you've seen live - Guns N Roses, Elton John, INXS, Tom Petty, Bush/No Doubt/Jewel, Garbage, Counting Crows, Smashing Pumpkins, Goo Goo Dolls, The Cure. There's a concert coming up next week that I kinda really want to see really really bad.. Soul Asylum, Gin Blossoms, and Seven Mary Three.. I don't know why, I haven't liked Soul Asylum or the Gin Blossoms since 8th grade and I've already seen Seven Mary Three, but that really appeals to me.

2. 9 things you're looking forward to

Graduating, going to Las Vegas for New Years, seeing Axl again someday, getting my own apartment, getting a job, going back to school someday to become a psychiatrist, having sex again at some point in my life, losing 30 pounds, and that's 9 things.

3. 8 things you wear daily - This ring I got 5 years ago at a thrift store that everybody still compliments me on, underwear, a bra, a shirt, pants, my sandals, my exercise pants, a sports bra.

4. 7 things that annoy you - Rush, my dad, not being able to live with my puppy man, brussel sprouts, my inability to lose weight, the big nasty muscle guys at my gym that will never ever look like Vin Diesel no matter how hard they try, and people who just have no sense of the rules of driving.

5. 6 things you touch everyday - Myself, my car, some kind of food that's bad for me, the radio, the computer.

6. 5 things you do everyday -

Take my litany of pills, call my mom, update this friggin diary, talk to BB, drive somewhere.

7. 4 people you want to spend more time with: Axl, my puppy guy, BB, Angel Boy.

8. 3 Movies you could watch over and over: Jerry Maguire, You've Got Mail, When Harry Met Sally.

9. 2 of your favorite albums at the moment: Use your Illusion 1, Guns N Roses, and Moby, Play.

10. 1 Person you could spend the rest of your life with: My mommy.



What was MyMichele doing a year ago?


Okay, I may be a dork for saying this, but I am really looking forward to school starting in a week. Why? Because I just added a new class.. Creative Writing! I've wanted to take that class ever since I was 13 and looked through my brother's catalog for UT. That really makes my pants go crazy. Of course, it means I'll be going to school on Tuesday from 9 am to 9 PM, but that is okay with me!"


" I am bitter over something, currently. It used to be, back in the day, I'd be able to get Dorkus Boy over to my place just to fix my vibrator with just one phone call. Now, I can't even get him to come fix my damn printer with many phone calls. It's like pulling teeth trying to hang out with him. I know he likes hanging out with me, so I don't think he's trying to ditch me. It's just that, before, when he'd come over all the time, it was when he didn't have a girlfriend. Now he has the most extremely perverted girlfriend ever and they're a perfect match and he's too busy fucking her to actually hang out with me every once in a while! I mean, I've had a boyfriend for almost 4 years and I can manage my time. I can hang out with him and hang out with my boyfriend, as well.

Okay, rant over.

Tonight we went to Oklahoma. Did you know that you can't play miniature golf when it's raining? That was a little dissapointing. But not too bad. I enjoyed the ride up there, because it was a little sunny, yet it was raining, and dark, and that was just really arousing. Plus, it was 75 degrees. I know you're all tired of me talking about the weather, so I'll shut up now.

Okay.. a little too much information here.. but, on the way back, I tried giving BB a hand job. While I was driving. I've done it before and umm.. got the desired results, but I didn't do so well tonight. Oh well, I tried! That takes talent. And a strong right arm, which I apparently don't have.


10:42 a.m. - August 17, 2002


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