mymichele's Diaryland Diary


Letter to myself

From time to time, I like to steal things from other people. Call me a klepto, I won't deny it!

Anyway, I stole this from the stunning Ladeeleroy, who was participating in an Immunity Challenge for Diaryland Survivor. I am not on Survivor, but I am going to do this anyway because I found it intriguing. So intriguing that I even wrote it ON PAPER last night! What it is is a letter to myself of 10 years ago. What you would tell yourself if you could go back in time and smack yourself in the head with a letter, and such.

So, instead of ranting about how I already typed this all out at the unfortunate timing of the crash that Diaryland experienced earlier today, here we go.

Dear me of 10 years ago,

Hi. I know it's strange to get a letter from your future self, but you've pretty much cemented your reputation as a strange person in elemenatary school, so you're used to strange things. You're 12 years old and could probably use a little advice, right? So hush and listen to Auntie Liz. Right now you're probably thinking about the trip to Hawaii you're about to take. Enjoy that, it'll actually be a shitload of good times.

Now, first things first. Your brother? He's gay. You know his extremely attractive friend Brandon? The one you found living in the closet, literally? Well he's in there figuratively, too. You figure it out. Anyway, don't tell anyone. He won't tell you for another 5 1/2 years, and he doesn't tell dad for 10 years. Shhh. And get used to a lot of secrets and lies.

Second, don't get so mad at your mom. Sooner than later you'll find out that she is the nicest and warmest person on the planet. She will need you, and most importantly, you will need her. A lot.

Then there is the divorce. As you've probably guessed by now, you aren't going to have to wait long for that. Just a year or two. Don't worry, it'll work itself out, and everyone will be happier. Money will not be an issue for you and your mom for a while. Also, eventually you'll get a stepfather, a rather strange man that laughs too loud and cusses like a sailor, but don't worry, he won't be around for quite a long time.

Also, before we get to the big stuff, I have some advice for you. You're about to start junior high, right? Well, everyone thinks you'll grow out of this obsession with Axl Rose pretty soon. They're wrong. You will never grow out of it. We unfortunately picked out one weird and hermit-like guy to obsess over, and we have to deal with that. He doesn't make a whole lot of albums after Illusions, so enjoy the fame and popularity while you can. But, fret not. December 31, 2001 will make it all worthwhile. Wait for it. Anticipate it.

Right now, you're obsessing over Nick Stahl. Well, there's not a lot of positive things I can tell you about that. You pretty much worked hard to be recognized as a big dork for the things you did and said in that situation, and now.. well, that's how you'll be remembered. Sorry about that. Also, there's a movie coming out soon that you'll obsess over called Terminator 2. He'll be in the sequel to that. I know, it's depressing that his career doesn't go down the toliet like we were hoping.

Now that we have that bullshit out of the way, you really need to listen closely here. I have one word of advice that will change your life and maybe the lives of a lot of people around you. I'm not even sure I should tell you this because of the effect it could possibly have.


Yes. Turn off the TV, crank up the Guns N Roses and study your ass off. You know how obsessed with Austin you are? You aren't going to get to UT if you keep making straight C's for the rest of your life. You.Belong.In.Austin. So, get there.

Also, keep playing viola. Playing an instrument is a rare gift, and you take advantage of that. Don't. Practice, and practice some more, and don't let anything get in the way of that. You'll have some crappy directors in high school, but ignore that. You'll thank me later.

Keep Elementary Best Friend around. You may feel her slipping away, but keep a firm grasp. She is a good and valuable friend, and you don't want to lose her. You will, if you aren't careful. Not anytime soon, but eventually. Don't let that happen.

I don't mean to alarm you, but you're about to meet some very.. interesting characters. This will happen pretty soon. One of these characters will be your friend for life. Keep her around, and umm.. don't act on those feelings. They won't be returned, and while they do make life a little more interesting when you're 16, among other things, they'll just end up doing more harm than anything else. So, keep it in your pants, and keep her around because she is one of the most valuable people in your life.

So, like I said, study your ass off. Keep writing. Write whenever you can. Soon, you'll find that you have things to write poetry about, and that poetry will affect people. It'll make people cry. Some of it will suck, and some of it will be pretty good, but never get discouraged. You have a gift, and cultivate it.

Get into UT. Experience life away from home. I learned some very valuable lessons by staying close to home, but don't. You can make a different story, maybe a better one. But, if you choose to still get crappy grades and waste your time online, here's some little nuggets of advice:

1. Be a safer driver, for crying out loud! Contrary to your belief, failing Driver's Ed the first time is really a bad thing. Pay attention, doofus.

2. 9th grade. History class. That guy in front of you with the long hair and White Zombie shirt? Pay attention. He's about to change your life forever.

3. That guy you met online that you always seem to argue with - stay away. Stay far, far away. When he wants to meet you, make as many excuses as possible. You don't want to go there. Trust me.

4. You'll meet a lot of intresting people in your life, and try to make better decisions as to who to keep and who to discard. Regret is not a fun thing.

5. Mix in a few salads. By the way, you're a little awkward looking now, but in a few years, you'll be gorgues. Don't let anyone tell you different, and enjoy the living crap out of it.

6. The Lakers won the NBA title in 2000 and 2001. BET ON IT! GET MONEY! Just kidding.

Now, you don't have to pay attention to this. In fact, I'd rather you not. If you follow these directions, you wouldn't be the person I am today. There may be some regrets and flaws, but that's the way it is, and it's really not that bad. So hey, good times.

P.S. The guy with the mullet, the baby blue eyes, and the crappy car? Well, it turns out that he's really a cutie. Give him a chance.

3:41 p.m. - May 30, 2002


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