mymichele's Diaryland Diary


Longest ever, crazy pills, good friends, mean people, I have to poo

I love my friends, I really do.

I love the fact that we can go eat dinner at 9:30 at night on Crazy Friend's birthday and just laugh and laugh and laugh all night and make the waiter dance for us and eat chocolate cake.

It was all of us, really. Crazy Friend, Diet Friend, Dentist Friend, and Dentist Friend's roommate. All of us went on the trip to Turner Falls and that's really the last time we were all together.

I just forget sometimes. I get wrapped up in my own dramas and I forget that I have actual friends that want to hear about my life and get wrapped up in the drama with me. I told them all about the meanie head I talked to yesterday, and they were all shocked and horrified.

It was just a really nice time, and I'm a fan of fun times with friends. I need to call them more often.. it's not like we live 3 hours apart, they all live about 2 minutes away in all directions. I'm a bad friend! I didn't even know it was Crazy Friend's birthday until Diet Friend called me and told me! Gahh! I suck.

So yesterday I came to a decision. I'm going to just keep going to school this summer and not pursue an internship. If I was to take an internship for credit, I'd have to go 40 hours a week. That would be difficult if I was taking French too, which I need to do. So I'm just going to school and then I'm going to get a internship when I graduate. Maybe that's cowardly or something, but I don't want to put in 40 hours a week at an unpaid internship! Good God!

I think it's funny that I'm playing Scrabble right now with someone named "Motleyfan", cuz my name is "Axlfan".. hehehe. Giggle.

Next week is the week before Spring Break. At the beginning of the year I was sure I was going to have a breakdown during that week. Probably because last year, the week before spring break, I had Bronchitis, I could barely breath, I had a 102 temperature, and I still had to go to school and turn in all the many projects I had due. But I think next week will not be too bad. I had all my scary tests this week and last week and some such.

Are you aware that this will be my last Spring Break.. ever? *Cringe*

BB and I talked a bit last night and I think we're okay.. he originally said we might go to L.A. for spring break, but then he said I'd have to drive. Ummm.. no. If it's all the same to you, I'd rather not drive from Dallas, Texas to Los Angeles, California, thank you though. I already drove to Las Vegas in December! My goodness! So I'm just going to go to Austin and have my usual fun there. I'm really looking forward to that. My brother just got a new house, and he has this really cute boyfriend he wants me to meet, and all kinds of stuff. And he's a good cook! Good times.

Yesterday I went to a luncheon the intern lady invited me to. It was about going on a job interview, and what your body language says. Ladies, don't put your hands in your lap, because that means you're coming on to your interviewer! Uh huh. True that!

I almost had Coke twice yesterday. I was very ashamed. But my editor.. hmmm.. Editor Guy offered to buy me a slurpee because I was having a bad day. Journalism expeditions to 7-11 and Subway are quite an event, since we get hungry and stir crazy in that little room without windows (our motto: if we had windows, we would jump), and they're right across the street so it's good times. Anyway, they had Coke slurpies and I wanted one so bad! But I settled for cherry, which was surprisingly refreshing.

I've started taking birth control pills again, not for sex obviously, but to start getting my period. I don't get it unless I'm taking the pills because I'm such a freak of nature. I hate taking the pills because they make me emotional, and why should I have my period if I don't have to? But I guess that's bad cuz yeah.. someday it would be good to be able to give birth.

This is probably the longest entry ever. Good times!

8:08 a.m. - March 07, 2002


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