mymichele's Diaryland Diary


My dreams, some such, and orgasms.

So, I've lost 5 pounds in the past week. It's true, it's true.

How have I managed to accomplish this feat? It's simple, really. Subway and Pizza.

For the past week, I've been getting my regular sub (6 inch Turkey on white with onions, tomatoes, lettuce, parmesean, salt and pepper, mayo), the new baked Doritos and a Diet Pepsi for lunch. Then, for dinner, I'd have a diet Dr. Pepper and a Tombstone Pizza, which is 500 calories. All together, that's about 1100 calories, and that's all I've been having! And I've only worked out twice! What's up with that! I just don't know.

Try the new pizza and Subway diet now. It works!


Last night, I didn't dream about Axl! I'm so excited. I did have a dream that Linda wrote me an email and yelled at me for the way I was reviewing people. Weird, but true.

And that's a shame, because I created a dream diary for the purpose of writing all my crackwhorish dreams down. It'll be neato, really.

Speaking of my other diaries, I finished my story! 15 pages, a whole lot of words. If you do happen to read it from front to back, it won't make much sense at the beginning. I need to spend a little while on revising and make everything make a little more sense. But I'm excited.. this is probably the longest story I've ever written. That doesn't mean it's particularly good, but it's a start!


My earth science class is scary. A couple of days ago my teacher told us about how, after the airports closed after Sept. 11 last year and no planes flew for a few days, the temperature of the earth went down 3 degrees! Everywhere, the temperature went down. Weird, eh?

Today he told us all about pollution and the ozone layer and all this stuff, and the thing about him is is that he's scarily negative about these things. Like, really pessimistic. It's not fun times, my friends.


So. Tomorrow. Tomorrow is Sept. 11. I probably won't write anything, just paste my entry from last year, because I don't know what I could say to bring it justice. Plus, I won't have much time.. tomorrow I have class from 9-11, I have my psychology thing from 12-2, at 2 I have a meeting with my intern lady, at 2:30 I'm going to a lecture thingie the journalism department is doing about reporting on trauma, and then I'm going to my mom's to order pizza and surround oursevles in TV. It won't be fun TV, but that's just what we want to do. It'll be weird. For the rest of our lives, no one will ever feel quite right on this date. Crazy times.


I have money now! *Does a happy "I have money now" jig of joy.


Okay, this is going to be too much information, but I think it needs to be said.

I am so grateful to my vibrator. Now, I threw it away a few months ago, and for a little while after that it kinda sucked. I don't really have that must sexual frustration.. BB takes care of this issue every weekend. It's rare that a weekend goes by that we aren't getting it on in some capacity. But, I do enjoy a little self stimulation, because it's just a different kind of orgasm, right?

Before I got my vibrator (my freshman year of college), I could not do stuff with myself. I would never get aroused, nothing would work for me, and I hated that. But after my vibrator, I know how to please myself, and after maybe 10-15 minutes of fun stimulation, I get the desired result! Doesn't that just bring a tear to your eye! HEHEHE!

Anyway. I just think that's pretty nifty. My vibrator taught me fun things. Awwww.


Axl picture of the day:


What was MyMichele doing a year ago?

(This is actually from a year and a day ago, but I just want to show you guys how much I would eat.)

"Tommorow I'm going to start writing down everything I eat, because it's time to lose weight, damnit, and if I see all the crap I'm eating (yesterday I had a piece of pizza, a McDonalds Steak, Egg, and Cheese Bagel, Taco Cabana, and 2 Krispy Kream donuts. It just sounds horrifying when I write it down like this.)"

What was MyMichele really doing a year ago?

"Okay, wow. Waking up at 8 AM to go lift weights with a personal trainer who looks like Arnold Shwarwhatever's little brother is not a good way to start out the day. This guy had me lifting weights for muscles I didn't even know I had. I am already hurting and I know tommorow I'm barely going to be able to move. But that is indeed a good thing. Hell, I'm looking forward to it! Well, not really. "

5:51 p.m. - September 10, 2002


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