mymichele's Diaryland Diary


Born out of the newshole, undeviation, 4 1/2 years of dysfunction

So today is BB and I's 4 1/2 year anniversary. On October 3rd, 1997, we acknowledged our growing feelings for each other and got together, if you will.

When I tell people we've been together that long, one of the first things they ask is "Are you going to get married?!" I don't like to think about that right now. I want to get out of college and into the real world before I ponder that one.

But of course I think about it. I can't imagine being married to someone other than him. I mean, he's building a puppy room for me, for fuck's sake! And while I still have some doubts about certain things, other doubts have dissapeared recently. I met him when he was 19, and when I was 17. He's matured, and qualities I didn't see before are starting to pop up. And that makes me happy! I want to spend my life with him, I think. Sure, he's a jackass sometimes, but if I was looking for someone who wasn't a jackass sometimes I'd be looking for a long time.

Isn't the Osbournes just the greatest show on TV? I decided that I want to be an Osbourne, preferably Kelly. Not only does she get to borrow her dad's credit card (he probably has dementia and wouldn't know that she borrowed it anyway), but she's like 17 and has her own Mercedes SUV. And her brother is 16 and has his own record label. God, how great would it be to be in that family? I want to be adopted.

I have a psychology test in an hour and a half. This is a Psychology 1 class. I'm minoring in psychology, and I've taken almost every class you can take besides Psychology 1 (Health Psychology, Sexual Psychology,Abnormal Psychology, Group Psychology, etc.) So I should get an A, damnit. If I don't, I suck.

Next week, I have about 250 stories to do. I was going to complain about it, but really, I think I've had it pretty easy. So I should just shut up, suck it up, and have a stressful week. I don't have any tests that week, so that is a good thing. I have a test tonight and one tomorrow morning. That is a bad thing.

Registering was a nightmare today. I woke up at 7 am just to register, and well, that didn't work because there was some kind of crap going on with the system. Gotta love technology. I'm also having other issues that I won't bore you with, but they aren't happy issues. It'll be interesting to see if I actually graduate in December, let's just say that.

WWF is coming to our school! I'm excited. It's only a house show, but I still think that kinda rocks.

Here's where I obsess over Russell some more:

I haven't seen one of his movies in two days. LA Confidential kinda sucked, really. I am running up my credit card massively. I bought Gladiator, Bastard Life or Clarity (Thirty Odd Foot of Grunts CD), and Mystery Alaska on And those two magazines I bought on Ebay? Oh, I already had both of them. Something that was discovered when I cleaned my room the other day. I felt dorky. That was like $15 wasted. I should be ashamed.

I made a funny today.. someone at work said "It's hard to believe that anyone in the newsroom has parents," and I said, "Yeah, it seems like we were all born out of the newshole." HHEHEHEHEE! A little journalism humor for you.

Here's some news you might not want to hear: I threw away my vibrator. It was getting elderly and I think I need to move on with my life anyway. I'm too deviant. I think if I deprive myself of my beloved porn I might have a chance to be a little less deviant. That's doubtful, though, because I've been a little deviant since I was 11 and I didn't have a vibrator then. You can read more about this here. Hi, I'm MyMichele. And I'm a pervert.

5:00 p.m. - April 03, 2002


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