mymichele's Diaryland Diary


Doing nothing but missing everything

Why are people finding me when they search for "Porn Prevention Banners"? I just don't know.

So, today is January 10th! This day is important in my life because January 10th, 1993, is when a certain Ali-Kat called me on the phone with a certain blond boy on three-way, of course neglecting to tell me that he was on three way, a favorite trick of hers. And of course, when she asked me what color hair I like on a guy, I said the infamous line "anything but blond." This boy, Mullet Boy, became my first boyfriend, and the certain Ali-Kat became my best friend.

It was important at the time because on New Years Eve 1992, I decided to stop looking for a boyfriend, and my only resolution was "Get a life!" So I thought the cosmic force of planets got together and made it possible for me to get my new years resolution.

Why do I remember this specific date? I just don't know. If you think that's bad, just wait until January 20th! Wooo, that one's a doozy!

I have five stories due next week. Already. I'm scared. I interviewed the Dean of Music today, which was scary enough. I swear, I was only in there for 10 minutes but it seemed more like 30. I was sweating and coughing and it wasn't a pretty sight. I don't know why I was so nervous.. he's just a friggin music dean. He was a little intimidating, though.

That's just the beginning, though. There's so many things that I have to do that I'm just going to sit here and play Scrabble. Good way to start out, isn't it? I'm not slacking. I'm just preparing myself. See? This is me preparing.

Further on in the "Always getting caught with my pants down" series today, there was the whole ex-roommate coming in with the geeky male RA when I had just gotten out of the shower. I had my towel on and such, but yeah. There was chaos there for a few minutes. And not in a good way.

My Axl obsessing for the day consists of watching the Making of Don't Cry. I didn't realize that I had all these videos, but it's a good thing. Gahhh.. he looks all kinds of good in the Don't Cry thing.. it really just drives me crazy, the fact that he's like.. Axl.. and I'm me. Maybe next time he tours I'll get to interview him. "Yeah, I'm from this podunk college, and I'd like to interview Axl." Uh huh. I've kinda given up on the letter, because I just don't think there's a chance in hell he'll ever read it, much less respond. It just seems that he responds well to praise, and I have alot of praise. But I'll stop sounding like a stalker now.

Can I just say that I hate Stephanie Seymour? Because I do. Grumble grumble Stephanie Seymour.

Bop Reviewsgave me a really nice, happy review today. Go check them out! Cuz they rock! And such.

I miss BB lots today. I won't get to see him until Friday night, after the concert, and that's just too long. *sigh*

I mean, he went all the way to Las Vegas with me just to watch a concert he had no interest in. And he paid for all the hotels and gas! How could you not love a guy like that?!

Speaking of Las Vegas, we both have a huge fascination with it these days. When I was watching Ocean's 11 last night, I was thinking "Damn, I sure want to go back to that place soon." Cuz it's just nifty! And it's alot like Texas, except there's mountains and gambling and prostitutes. Yayyyy Nevada!

Well, I better get back to doing nothing. Have a nice day!

2:51 p.m. - January 10, 2002


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