mymichele's Diaryland Diary


Squirell suicide, stepfather bonding, and not trusting my judgement


I have bad news, folks..

I am.. I am a squirell killer.


I knew the little bastard was going to run into my lane.. it looked like he was. He sat in the other lane for a second, contemplating it, and then boom! I ran the damn thing over.

It's the second time this has happened, and it makes me feel so bad! I love all of God's creatures! (Except crickets and spiders.. *cringe*) There was cars behind me and I knew they thought I was a cruel, cold hearted squirell killer! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to.. the little guy was just tired of life, and decided to meet his death under the tires of a 1997 Toyota Rav 4.


I mean, what can I do?


How come you people never give me any guestbook love on the weekends? You can't hide from me, I see you and your new entries, so I know you're around.

Nobody has signed since Friday. This makes me feel desperate and alone. And like I have to pee.


I saw White Oleander today. I thought it was going to suck ass, but it was actually pretty awesome. I loved Patrick Fugit, the dude from Almost Famous. He's a cutie pants.

It really made me want to live in California, though. My mom might move there and I wanna move there at some point in my life.

I have a lot of wanderlust at this point in my life. I want to live in a lot of places for a month or three just to see what it's really like. My top three places that I'm really curious about are Austin, Las Vegas, and Los Angeles. I've never been to LA but I'm like.. obsessed with that place. Anyway.

I love my Sunday afternoon movies. I actually look forward to it all week. I wake up at BB's house, go to the big giant mall, go to Barnes and Noble until the movie starts, get my popcorn and settle down into my movie. It's a really nice time, people. I can dig it.

Renee Zellwegger is not aging well. But that's just my opinion and my opinion is usually crap.


So, last night I had a dream that I won tons of money from a scratch off lottery ticket.

Remembering this dream, I got a lottery ticket today and lo and behold, I won $10 on the friggin thing! I mean, that's not a whole lot of money, but I won something, and all because fate loves me. And God, too. And your mom.


I have decided who I will make my favorite singer/band once I get fed up with Axl and his elusiveness.

It will be Eminem.

I know, I know, that's lame. But there's something about the guy. He's smart and he's kinda cute and I dig his music, damnit! And 8 Mile looks like it's going to be awesome, I can't wait to see it. The song on the commercial has been in my head all day. Does anyone know what the name of it is? Thank you.


Okay, that was weird, I just had a tender moment with my stepdad.

I helped him do something with the computer and when we finished, he gave me a hug type of thing and said "Love ya!" And I kinda giggled because he's never said that before! And he was like "Well, I do!"

It was just weird, people. They've been married for a year and a half and it's just.. weird.

Anyway. I just thought I'd share that.


I know this entry is all over the place but I have a lot to say and YOU WILL LISTEN TO EVERY LAST WORD I HAVE TO SAY! Well, unless you don't want to and everything.

Anyway, this morning I did a bad thing and while BB was sleeping, I kinda looked at the IM that was sitting there on his computer, just begging me to read it. That's a big no-no in our relationship.. he's all protective of his privacy and shit. There's a whole long story that goes here about what happened the first time I looked at his computer and what I found out and how I broke up with him for a month after it happened, but that's the gist of it.

Anyway.. the IM could be something I could possibly freak out about. It got my imagination running for a little while, but then again, it's probably not anything to worry about because the content was.. well, it's hard to explain because I don't want to get into it, but it was just something to make me think that it wasn't a big deal. But then again it could be. I don't think so, though. GUHHHHH!!!!

It just reminds me that I have no idea what BB does during the week. He could have this whole secret life and I wouldn't even know, and there would be no reason for me to find out about it. I only see him on Friday and Saturday, and while he's usually online during the night when I'm awake, he stays up until 4 in the morning. A lot can happen in that time.

It's been a long time since I knew he was messing around with other chicks. A year and a half. And if I figured out that he was.. it would probably hurt a lot. It might destroy me. I don't think I could handle knowing about it. So yes, ignorance is bliss sometimes, whether I like it or not.

But I usually have a good radar about these things. Or so I like to tell myself.

This is why snooping is a bad thing, people. Trust me.


I was listening to the radio in the car today, and a some song by Good Charlotte was on. Some chick I was reviewing yesterday was in love with the band, so I gave the song a chance. I turned it off after about 30 seconds. I just can't stand that shit! Don't get your panties in a wad.. I know all of you love that shit, but I don't. It doesn't appeal to me whatsoever.

This coming from someone who turned that song off in favor of what was on another station, which happened to be Complicated by little Ms. Avril. So you can't really trust my judgement.

4:21 p.m. - October 20, 2002


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