mymichele's Diaryland Diary


I want Ozzy Osbourne to be my daddy.

I appreciate the guestbook suggestions on my underwear choices, yes I do. And I will have you know that I just now purchased some Axl underwear. I don't know about you, but that surely makes for a succesful Sunday morning. Hooya.


I was listening to Alice Cooper's "School's Out" on the radio today, and it's the first thing that really got me excited for what's about to happen in my life.

2 weeks from today I will have moved out of my dorm and graduated from college. That's HUGE when you really look at it. This is what I've done for 4 1/2 years. I am about to embark on a new journey, without my comfort system (BB and my mom), and while that's scary, it's also liberating. I CAN'T WAIT! It is going to be so fucking awesome to live in Austin. I'm gonna have my own apartment and I'm gonna get a job and everything is going to change and be different and be totally and completely awesome. I'm totally stoked. I am unbelievably excited.

And yeah, I'm a little sad that BB won't be in this journey with me, but screw him. He pretty much abandoned me so he could "find himself." Well, I'm gonna find myself too. I'm gonna find myself right the hell out of Dallas is what I'm gonna do. Soo... yeeyuh.



So yesterday me and my mom and my brother went to lunch with one of my brother's oldest friends. His intials happen to be BB, by the way, which certainly makes me giggle.

But this guy.. only keeps getting better looking. I was hot for him when I was 11, and damn, now that I'm 23 it's a very impure kinda lust I have for this guy. So.Hot. Long hair and just like.. wow.

He's on the right. So hot. I asked my brother if I could seduce Mr. BB and he was like, "Uhh, I don't think he's your type." Damnit! I'm gonna make that boy realize that I'm his type! I want some of him, yes I do. He just got divorced, so maybe we can have good rebound sex. That's what I'm talkin about, beyotch!


I saw Harry Potter yesterday. Ehhh.. I don't think I like Harry Potter (the dude, not the movie) very much. I think they got the right guy in terms of looks and what not, but I really don't think he's a very good actor. He's an annoying actor. With his long pauses and stupid facial expressions, he just bothers me. BOTHERS ME, DAMNIT! And I didn't know Kenneth Branagh was in it! That was a pleasant surprise.

And oooh! The House Elf, Dobby or whatever, reminded me of the BL's grandmother. I don't know why, but I really liked that little elf. I'm glad Harry saved him from that meanie head.

Also, please tell me why Hermonie and Ron Weasley don't hug each other at the end? Why they kinda look at each other like "ugh, I don't wanna hug that person?" I'm confused.


I need to stop watching this Justin Timberlake stuff on MTV because I'm starting to sympathize with him and actually like him! Perish the thought.


What was MyMichele doing a year ago?

Well, first of all, today is me and Booga's anniversary! How exciting is that!

"I really, really like the song "Stan" by Eminem. I know. It's pathetic. But I like it. Mostly because of Dido. But partly because of the words. I guess you could call it a guilty pleasure."


Well we got no choice

All the girls and boys

Makin all that noise

Cause they found new toys

Well we can't salute ya

Can't find a flag

If that don't suit ya


That's a drag

School's out for the summer

School's out forever

I'm bored to pieces

Well we got no class

And we got no principals

And we got no intelligence

We can't even think of a word that rhymes


Well we can't salute ya

Can't find a flag

If that don't suit ya

That's a drag


No more pencils

No more books

No more teacher's

Dirty looks

Out for summer

Out till fall

We might not come

Back at all

School's out for summer (detention!)

School's out forever

School's out with fever

School's out completely

School's out for summer

10:32 a.m. - Sunday, Dec. 01, 2002


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