mymichele's Diaryland Diary


Slap my dick and call me horny!

Okay, I hate writing multiple entries in one day, but I really feel like I need to record this night for posterity. Especially because I think it'll be a good scene for my story.

Okay, so me and my mom and her best friend from high school went to an italian restuarant in a pretty nice part of Dallas tonight. Good focaccia, good pizza, etc. etc. Why am I talking to you about this?

Because, my friends. Because of him. This guy was so unbelievably gorgues! Like.. holy motherfucking shit gorgues! The second I laid eyes on him I was like "ohmygod come home with me right now and have my fucking babies!"

This is notable because I'm just not like that. I barely notice guys at all, to tell you the truth. If I'm gonna think someone is hot, it's usually chicks because I have a theory that I want to look like these chicks, so it's not really lust, it's just admiration. Or something. But yeah.. my mom was all shocked that I was so blatantly hot for this guy.

What did he look like? Italian, with long curly black hair. There was nothing wrong with this man. The person I can compare him to is the russian dude's son in The Saint. I know that's a weird example, but that's what I thought of first. He was.. the perfect man. I kept staring at him all night, I imagined how our wedding would be and what our kids would look like and all that crap!

My mom thought it was a good sign that I was lusting so hard because it was kinda like I'm getting over BB or something. First of all, I can't really get over BB yet because I'm not sure there's anything to get over yet, if that made any sense. And second, I'm not sure I wouldn't be lusting after this guy even if I was in the depths of romance with BB or anyone else. I was just so totally attracted to him that my heart was like beating wildly or something! It was totally crazy but it was totally like love at first sight.

Guhhh. Damn hot italian men! What am I going to do with myself?!

Oooh! Okay, I spent a few minutes and here's some pictures of the dude from the Saint. He's russian and not italian, but they still look a whole lot alike. See if you can see why I want to take him as my man slave! This russian dude's name is Valeri Nikolayev, by the way.

This one is from the Saint:


*collapses on the floor*

*rights herself*

Anyway. I just wanted to inform all of you of my hot italian man. Now here's some google hits I've gotten in the past 24 hours:

Christian Aguilera Nipple Ring (for the love of god, please stop this! Seriously, this search has boosted my stats by like 50 more a fuckin day! STOP THE INSANITY!), my story about genital warts, my first orgasm, what is the song in the axe deoderant commercial (of course I'm #1 in that search for some reason), J-Lo nipple picture, never had a boyfriend diaryland, My name is Simon, would you like to see my drawrings?, dissing Michelle Branch, Rain and Joaquin Phoenix, chinese girl in hardcore, she wore ballet slippers, Axl Rose Diaryland, diaryland AND survey AND barefoot, and others but I have tired head.

Good times.

The first concert of the GNR tour starts tomorrow! slap my dick and call me horny!

Also, I'd like to make a prediction: BB is all about this break BS, but I just had a lovely conversation with him in which he detailed all the dirty things he would like to do to me. All because I said "Suck it" in reference to him saying he'd have a story in the Dallas Morning News before I would. (long story about that one, uh huh.) Anyway.. when he gets horny, he suddenly forgets that he's trying to go a few weeks without seeing me. I'd like to bet $5 on me waking up to an email in the morning saying something to the effect of "Well, it won't hurt for you to come over tonight.." or something. I mean he's a guy, and he has a penis. What can I say?

I just thought I'd share that.

10:52 p.m. - Wednesday, Nov. 06, 2002


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