mymichele's Diaryland Diary


A new Axl picture, updates on stuff, and your mom.

*Sorry, people who have already seen this entry, but I put a new picture of Axl in here and I just wanted everyone to see it. It's a bit disturbing.


I figured I would take this time to update you guys on some stuff.

1. I would like to brag again that yesterday I had the record breaking total of 629 hits. It's easy.. just write some porn.

2. Just in case you were wondering what happened with the Cancun situation.. well, BB and I were all ready to go, right? It was decided that I could go instead of his friend, and that was cool.

But, they wanted us to go at a certain date that didn't work for either of us (because of summer school and stuff), and they wouldn't give us the money instead, they would charge us $200 extra to go during the friggin week! So, the trip has just kinda gone away. Take this as a good lesson, kids: nothing in life is ever truly free.

3. Did you ever wonder what happened to my bulimia for a week adventure? Well, after I talked to Jeep Girl that night and wrote about how that was pretty much rock bottom, I never did it again. I just stopped. I wish I could do that with everything in my life, but with the whole eating disorder thing, it just didn't feel right. It's not something that I did normally, so it was easy to stop. I need to do that with the food I eat now, but yeah. I don't.

4. Member when I got personal training at 24 Hour Fitness? I went back today and they checked my progress. I've only lost about 6 pounds since I was there last time, but I've lost 2 inches in my waist, my arms, and my thighs. Hell-oh! That makes me happy. And the dude who was taking the measurements (who I was totally about to punch in the fucking face.. I think you gotta pinch the skin to get an accurate reading, but god damn! That hurts!) didn't think the last chick did my body fat percentage right, but if she did, it would appear that I've lost 12% of my body fat in about a month in a half. That is good, my friends. Good indeed.


Speaking of 24 Hour Fitness, I went there to buy a membership today. I wanted to get the college student membership that I heard about 2 months ago, but apparently that was just a June thing.

And after I heard that, I wanted to leave and go see if there was anyone else who could give me something better, but they WOULD NOT let me leave! Eventually I got a membership that was $50 more than I was originally going to pay, but I got an extra month for free, so that's good. But I really felt like I was strapped to the chair or something the way they just wouldn't let me go. It was all very creepy.


Yesterday, when I was looking for a new layout, (thanks to Lucky Designs for the template, by the way.. I lurrve it) I emailed 3 different people to see if they could do a custom design for me. I didn't think any of them would answer! But two people did at exactly the same time for some reason, and being the Quinn whore that I am, I picked her. And now I'm really excited because I picked two really cool pictures and my layout is just gonna be the rock awesome of the rock awesomest! Heheehe!


Guns N Roses are playing in London tonight. Isn't that exciting? I think it is.

A review I got the other day said my obsession with Axl is creepy. Whatever. Just you guys wait.. Axl obsessions will be sweeping the nation soon enough.

Guh.. look at my precious Axl.. he's so pretty, yet.. I don't know. This picture was taken like today or something. Enjoy.

It's not that bad.. he has something weird going on with that hair of his, and what's with the hat? But it nicely shows his tattoo which, strangely enough, turns me on. I've always loved that tattoo.. awww yeah.


What was MyMichele doing a year ago? (This was the beginning of a story that I wrote. The beginning is good, but the rest of it really kinda sucked. But it did spawn Michelestory, so that's good.)

"It was Ricky. And she knew she wouldn't be able to resist seeing him again.

She could still imagine seeing him for the first time, when he was the new guy in her english class. They stared at each other for a full minute before he sat down in the chair in front of her. She took in his long, dark hair, his sparkling green eyes, and the rebellious smile on his face. She knew she had to have him.

And she did.

The lines that had formed for the 8:00 movie were slowly thinning, and she began to wonder if he was ever going to get there. Just as she was about to check her watch again, she felt his hand on her shoulder.

She turned around and smiled.


8:11 p.m. - August 23, 2002


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