mymichele's Diaryland Diary


Happy days are here again, a unique fashion sense, and other ways of procrastination.

Amazingly enough, I'm feeling a lot better tonight. I didn't earlier today, I was feeling like a big turd, really. But then I went shopping, and the heavens opened, and I am instantly cured! I feel a lot better, anyway, and isn't that what really counts?

So, before my Earth Science lab class, I went to the mall and bought some stuff. I bought a new winter coat at Old Navy for $50, which excited me way too much. Also tights and an Old Navy long sleeved shirt. Does the fun ever end?

No, no it doesn't. Because I also bought Maxim, Entertainment Weekly, and Drew Barrymore's biography just for shits and giggles. It was way too much of a good time.

So now I feel better and I'm ready to study for my 3 midterms this week. At some point soon I really need to work on my resume, and at some point, I really need to call a few people and see if they're hiring for January. Because whether I like it or not, I'm graduating and I need a job. So I can't deny this anymore and I have to get on it or I'm just going to end up SOL! And that would be bad.

Anyway. I've decided that I need some good and dirty sex. Not romantic and happy sex, dirty, grimy, nasty sex. I even had a dream about having some dirty sex last night, even though I don't remember with whom.

People I'd like to have said sex with:

1. Duh. Axl.

2. The dude who was in charge of the whole radio thing. I mean, his name is Big Dick! Well, his name is actually Richard, but that's what people call him. And I'm listening to him on the radio right now and I just.. just.. well, you can get the jist of it.

3. I need to get my bisexual thing on at some point in my life. It's been a year and I just really.. really.. well, you know.

4. Angel Boy. Just because I have to know.

5. BB. The whole virginity thing was cute for a few years, but now it's time for him to give it up.


3 midterms? I should be studying right now? What are you talking about? ME NO COMPRENDE!

Here's an odd picture that I'd like to share:

Hey, we all have our own sense of style!


What was MyMichele doing a year ago?

"While at errmm.. Dentist Friend's (she's in school for dental hygiene at Texas Woman's University, TWU for short. Of course, based on rumors and such, we've changed the name of the school to Two Women United) house, I bonded with her black lab while Crazy Friend and Diet Friend got in a little tiff over Diet Friend's gaseous emmissions. I'm not really sure about all that, because I just don't understand why anyone could get so ANGRY over someone else's inability to hold in their farts."


"If I gave you a hundred bucks, a car with a full tank of gas, and 48 hours responsibility free, where would you go and what would you do? I'd go visit my brother in Austin.

Maker's Mark or Grey Goose? Marky Mark rules!

Are you able to accept that left handed people are at a decided advantage over the rest of the world? Yes, that's why I'm learning how to write left handed.

If you were in New Orleans, would you expose yourself for beads? Who told you that?! I was 19, young, and stupid! Ummm...

If you could recommend one book to your great great great grandchildren (imagine a generation you're not going to meet) what would it be? I don't have any intelligent answers for this one. But umm.. The Firm.

What about one albumn? Use Your Illusion 1."

8:15 p.m. - October 14, 2002


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