mymichele's Diaryland Diary


3 vials of blood, I know how Stacy feels, and more reviews

So anyway!

I might be going to Cancun after all. BB's friend has to check with his wife to see if he can go, and we all know what that means. Everything is basically paid for, free food and hotel and all sorts like that, but we still have to pay for a bus ticket from the airport to Playa Del Carmen or whatever it is and other such things, and I am seriously like.. flat broke. But that's okay.

If you want to check out the hook up we have down there, here it is. It looks pretty fantabulous.

So I went to my endocrinologist today. Ahhh, the fun of the days of the medical world today. My doctor was barely in there for 5 minutes and I had to practically grab his coat to make him stay to answer another question of mine. But everything is all good, basically. I need to keep taking my medicine and having good times.

Man.. those folks at 24 Hour Fitness are freakin Evil Geniuses! Not only did they stick me with the "we're going to pretend you won a 6 month membership but you really only won a 2 week membership" thing, but they gave me one session of personal training to get me interested in the club, and during this trial membership, I am appreciating what a truly kickass gym this is! I was hardcore in my workout today! I worked muscles that I didn't even know I had! I sweated like a gross sweaty person! They are evil. And they are geniuses.

I have gotten a few reviews lately, and I must share them with you, oh yes. First of all, I must point out that I visit Plaidpapunk's review page everyday to see if she has any new review places up, because she seems to be the cutting edge review person. Anyway.

I got an awesome review at Loud Reviews. I mean, seriously, this was a good one. I got an interesting review at Chica-review. She said she was almost scared to read the content at first! She had to tip-toe around! That is giggly. I got a good one at The Identity, a Diary X Review place. Isn't that good times? I think so.


Here is where I continue with my survey from last night.

45) Do you eat breakfast each morning? Ehhh, in some form. Usually something bad for me. I try to stay away from the infamous bagel, because it's 700 calories of badness, but I lose that battle about once a week.

46) What are the four most important things in your life? My puppy dog, BB, my mom, and school. Good times, I know.

47) Any favorite NEW music/songs/CDs? I just ordered the new Blake Shelton CD online and that should be coming soon. I like Pink's new one. I can appreciate Moby's new CD, but I still think Play was better.

48) Most interesting/scary/embarrassing job you've ever had? I haven't had a whole lot of jobs before. The most embarrasing is when I had to be the Janitor at Enterprise City (this little mini-city type of thing at this school, everyone had jobs to do, like the mayor or what have you.. it's hard to explain.. but the first time we went, when I was in 4th grade, I was a journalist, and when we went in 7th grade, I had to be the janitor. It sucked. But it was just a few hours, so yeah.) My most interesting was my pizza delivery job that lasted a month. I really enjoyed that job.. the money was awesome.

49) Favorite type of vehicle if you could have your pick? I want one of them Mercedes SUV's! Aww yeah. Or a gray BMW. Or a new Explorer. I could just go on forever on this subject, because I am a materialistic whore.

50) Favorite outfit or article of clothing you own? I like my sexay shirt and blue jeans. And my Docs. Gotta have the Docs.

51) Bargain hunter or buy what you need when you need it regardless of price? Buy it when I need it.. I have money issues.

52) What do you collect currently? Magazines, really. And that's about it.

53) What are the top 3 challenges in your life today? Losing weight, school, and stalking Axl Rose. It's hard to do when he's in Malibu and I'm.. not.

54) Do you prefer summer/hot or winter/cold? I prefer fall/warm. I love the fall. I've always loved the fall. And your mom, too. Tell her I said hi.

55) Which store catalogues are your favorites to receive? While I do browse through the Victoria's Secret catalogs, mostly it's to draw things on Stephanie Seymour.

56) How would most of your friends/coworkers describe you? As loyal, antisocial, strange, and somewhat dorky.

57) How do you want to be remembered? As someone true to myself.

58) Have you ever donated blood/platelets? I haven't donated blood, but today I got blood taken. 3 damn vials full. I also got my finger pricked to test for Diabetes. Man, I feel for Stacy.. that finger stick hurt! And she has to do it everyday!

59) How often do you check your personal e-mail account? No less than 37 times a day. Probably more.

60) What are some things about you that most people do not know? That I'm a big country music fan. Like, Toby Keith is on CMT right now singing that Red White and Blue song right now, and I lurrve that song. Also, I used to play viola. When I was in orchestra and I brought it up to strangers, they would just be shocked. I did not look like a typical orchestra person. Actually, nobody in orchestra looked like typical orchestra people.

61) What magazines do you subscribe to currently? Glamour, Maxim, Scientific American, Discovery, Sports Illustrated, Playboy, FHM, Yahoo, YM, Rolling Stone, Spin.. a whole bunch of them. BB subscribes to them because he got tired of me spending so much money on buying them.

62) Any important lessons you've learned in life? Be true to yourself, and don't let people take your spirit away, because you'll spend the rest of your life trying to get it back.

63) Windows open or use the air conditioning? Air conditioning all the way!

64) Your major accomplishment(s) to date: Graduating from high school, managing to stay in a relationship for almost 5 years, getting the newspaper job, saving my puppy from dying, going to see Axl in Vegas.

Wasn't that fun?


What was MyMichele doing a year ago?

"Things that annoy the fucking crap out of me:

1. Dave Matthews Band.

Okay, story time.

When I was about 17 years old, I was driving my little Jetta home from work, and listening to the radio, and just kinda in a dream land. So, I was about to turn right, and BOOM! I rear end a truck. Not good, if you're taking notes. Don't do that.

As I realize that I've just fucked up big time, what song do I hear on the radio?

That would be Crash, by Dave Matthews Band.

How utterly ironic, right? Bah. I piss on ironicness.

Not really. That would be messy.

So now I just really don't like DMB. THey annoy me."

12:37 a.m. - July 13, 2002


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