mymichele's Diaryland Diary


Reno Blowout Entry!

Hello! I'm going to be in Reno from Thursday night until Monday night, so I'm going to write a big entry filled with spectacular stuff. In Reno, I'm going to various sinful things, such as sloth (I'm lazy!), greed (I am a gambling addict when I get near a casino, and we're going to be staying in one), gluttony (free food), lust (there will be nookified activities) and envy (I'm jealous of people who can gamble and actually win money). Doesn't that sound like fun? I think so.

So, what I'm going to do in the first part of this blowout is do a list of quotes from my favorite entries. If you like the quotes, go check it out! It'll be fun. And yes, I am aware of how extremely self indulgent it is! (As Axl said once when MTV interviewed him about the video for "Don't Cry", "Yes, it's self indulgent, I'm filming three versions of myself today, of course it's self indulgent!)

Here we go! (The link will be somewhere in the quote, if you couldn't tell)

1. "I know these aren't exactly deep thoughts, but I have to get used to this online "let everyone in the whole world see your thoughts" journal kinda thing."

2. "Me: Well, you help me out a lot, if it wasn't for you I wouldn't understand any of this. (blushing) So I guess it's kinda like an even trade, I guess. Or maybe not. (More blushing"

3."There's just something about the sun setting and the night getting cooler and everyone getting together that really makes me feel inspired. Inspired. I guess that's the word I'm really looking for."

4. "Okay, yeah. We watched some hardcore porn in class today."

5. "I saw him about a month after he dropped out, at the mall. It took all the courage I've ever had, but I sat down and talked to him. It changed my life."

6. "I think I should just change my name to Bitter McChesty."

7. "Hello, fellow humans. I am currently typing half naked because it is REALLY FUCKING HOT!"

8. "And for the life of me I can't remember what the second realization was. It was important, though! Maybe my run in with Math Boy clouded my mind or something."

9. "Well, last night I learned why alcohol isn't really my friend. It seduced me with it's tequila-laced perfumed inner thigh, and I was powerless in its presence."

9. "I am listening to a live Guns N Roses CD, and Axl said, "Come on, you know what I like!" Oh yeah baby, I know what you like, come to mama."

10. "Last night I had a dream about Chandra Levy. She was working at a taco stand or something, I don't know, it was very confusing. But that makes sense, if she wanted to go away for a while. Who'd be looking for her at a taco stand?"

11. "There was this obnoxious person who had started frequenting chat, and while I found him to be intriuging, I also found him to be an asshole. But I was curious, so one day I found myself wanting to meet him."

12."So I thought I should tell you about my porn purchasing experience this afternoon."

13. "She glanced up at the marquee as she paced back and forth, back and forth, in front of the movie theater. She checked her watch again. He was late. Of course he was late."

That was fun, wasn't it? I want to do more, but I'll leave it at that for now.

Here's my puppy.

No, he's not dead. He's sleeping!

Here's some entries that have surveys and random fact lists and fun stuff like that!

here's a list of stuff about me.

Here's a list of boyfriends that I've had!

101 random facts about me!

A survey that is good times!

The fun never stops!

Go here for a picture of me and BB.

Here is a story about the guy I have come to know as psycho boy.

Here are some Rings I've created. Join them!

This is not conducive to my what not!

Other random entries to check out:

A birthday list!

My Hundreth entry!

Entertaining stuff!


I think I'm going to wrap this up now. I would like to ask you to sign my guestbook and do all that kinda thing. And also, vote for me in the webdiaries thing, because I'm a whore who's always looking for validation in life! And here's some other people to check out.

Ali-Kat, someone who I spent my crazy assed teenaged years with.

Quinn, who made this layout and just rocks my socks.

Froggy, who is a spiritual, loving, artistic, kooky guy.

And Selirra, who is a wrestling fan and just is generally an awesome writer.

Let's get together and sell this thing out!

3:50 p.m. - October 24, 2001


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