mymichele's Diaryland Diary


random picture placement, the pit of despair/the casino, and lets get this tour started

Good lord almighty! I just saw my "Always caught with my pants down" banner twice in a row! I bought that banner probably about 6 or 8 months ago. Andrew seriously must have set that thing to run 25 million times or something. Well, that's a lesson for you: send Andrew 30 emails and he'll feel so bad that he'll give you 25 million banners. Sounds good to me!

So we're back from Shreveport.

I hate casinos. I don't really mind the atmosphere of cash mongering whores who smoke too much, but I just hate the way I feel when I'm in one. I seriously have a compulsive gambling problem. I suppose it's good that I found this out early in life, but still.. it's really scary. Yesterday I lost $15 in Blackjack in about 45 seconds, and then with the remaining $5 I had, I won $20 more at a slot machine. That made me happy. I then lost $35 at slot machines today, and that made me sad. Really, really pathetically sad.

Going to the casino really made me miss Reno, too. The last two years we've gone to Reno have been a real high point in our year. They treated us like royalty at that hotel, and seriously, I could get used to that! Sheeeyit!

Anyway.. I drove us to Shreveport and it was good times. I discovered today that driving is actually a good thing, because when you drive you aren't expected to do anything but drive. You don't have to study, you don't have to read, you can just sit there and stare at the road and just think. I enjoyed that. I didn't enjoy the huge ass rainstorm we drove in once we got to Louisiana. I thought yesterday was really beautiful.. the sky was the grayest gray I've ever seen, and I loved that until it actually started raining, and it rained so hard that I had to turn on my hazards so people wouldn't run into my ass. It was scary, yes it was.

We (BB and I, just in case you didn't know and such) had a good time. No fights or anything, even! We stopped at his mom's house on the way home and had some bad ass enchiladas. I mean, dizamn.. those were some good enchiladas!

If you buy one of these for me, I will marry you and have your babies. Thank you.

(Pssst, you might want to check this out.)

Oooh, ooh, also! People in Boston are reporting that GN'R are confirmed to play there in November. It's even on the Ticketmaster website and shit. That means there's a tour coming soon! FOR REAL! FINALLY, PRAISE JESUS! I really hope they're in Las Vegas for New Years.. that would be such an awesome way to end the year. End it the way I began it! I can't think of a single goddamn thing that would make me happier. Being told two years in a row to have a happy new year by one Mr. W. Axl Rose. Holy god damn, bring that shit on.

I'm sorry. I seem to have developed a potty mouth lately.

Proof that I really hate crickets to the point of insanity:

When we got gas tonight, there were crickets all over the place. It was really quite disgusting. And there were like 3 of them outside my door, the drivers side if you will, and I didn't want to take the chance of having one fly on me or something, so I actually got in on BB's side and climbed over to my place. Pathetic, I know, but I REALLY FUCKING HATE CRICKETS DAMNIT! Good god almighty!

And might I just say that I am enjoying this lovely fall weather? I love wearing sweatshirts.. I think I am happier and have better self esteem in the winter because I don't have to look at all the skinny bitches in tank tops. I look good in winter clothes!

Go sign Maggie's guestbook.


I haven't done this in a couple of days, so here's a couple of highlights as to what I was doing last year at this time:

"It's just really a confusing time. What are we supposed to feel? I was reading the Bust boards yesterday and they were all talking about how they felt guilty for feeling bad, and I identify with that. I feel guilty because I didn't know anyone in New York, and before this happened, I didn't give two shits about being patriotic. Now I care. I care alot. And I just feel like I'm jumping on the bandwagon or something. But I don't think I am, because it affects everyone. It's our country, and it has fallen, and that affects everyone."

"I have a crush on a car that I see on campus frequently. It's a black Ford Bronco with huge tires, and woweee, I wish I knew who drove it cuz I would probably want some of them. There's something about a guy who drives a big truck.. yummy."

"I was just feeling sorry for myself. I still am. I'm having issues with many, many things. I go through stages where I just feel worthless and fat and empty, and I feel that way right now. BB gave me roses last night and my mom loves me and everybody is really supportive, but it's just how I am. I'm dirty. I never clean my room. My car is smoking because I don't get regular oil changes even though I basically drive 3000 miles a month."

"I had a dream last night that I went to an elemantary school reunion. Do they even have those? It was so cool. I saw all these people that I haven't seen in 10 years. And one of them told me to put on some makeup. Well, screw you! I don't want to put makeup on!"

"I'm addicted to Super Mario Brothers. I just love Nintendo in general, how you have to blow inside it and then blow on the game, tap it on your head, rub it on your breasts, do a voodoo curse on it, and sprinkle it with holy water before it'll actually work. Anyway, what could be more entertaining than Super Mario? You can throw fireballs at flying fish and little wierd looking monster things, and you can go swimming and climb vines and go down little holes and everything! It's just a bucketful of fun! Woooeee."

12:08 a.m. - September 21, 2002


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